We always write the perfect book after the book is published. Seriously. I wish I’d had more space in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 19: Incantation Magic and the insight to add to the main book then instead of writing this article later. I’m grateful the article was published and some of the questions I’d been asked could be […]
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Designer’s Notes: More Skill Sets for Specialists
So I’m a fan of GURPS Action. I don’t think anyone who has read the books could say otherwise. The rules offered in GURPS Action 2: Exploits alone are solid gold. GURPS Action 4: Specialists is similiar solid gold. Thus, it’s no surprise that I would want to add my own voice to the body of work that is GURPS Action. I […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Deathtraps
My second Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game Pyramid article is out and it’s a bit of a follow-up to my book Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game: Traps. I did my best to keep most of the traps in the book to be somewhat fair. I didn’t even both with the article. It was a roster of deathtraps. That was […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Chi Sorcery
Chi Sorcery . . . Whew. Where to start?This one has some roots. First, this project started life as a “could I do cinematic skills as powers?” about 5 or 6 years ago. Then at some point +Pk Levine released Thaumatology: Sorcery and I was mentally milling about for something to write for an upcoming Pyramid. I pitched this […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: It’s a Quest!
Hmmm. Where to start with this one? Well, like my two other installments (“It’s a Threat!” and “It’s a Trap!“) “It’s a Quest!” is designed to help make the GM’s life easier by giving advice, content, and some random generation tables to help jumpstart games. I briefly talk about two important modes of gameplay: “sandbox” […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Mad as Bones
“That boy is mad as bones.” My grandmother would say that about me often as a child. I was . . . a handful. Hiding in places and shouting “Boo!” at passersbys, climbing on the roof at night to look at the stars, playing out in a nor’easter, and in general just running wild. As […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Crafting Imbuements
This article gestated for a long time – I first began exploring the concept after a conversation on the forums in 2015. The idea was fairly simple: have a set of imbuement skills that let you create common boosts for powerful weapons, armor, or tools. I am not too proud to say that it took me […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes:Terry Toucan & the Puzzle Pals – The House of 10,000 Sock Monkeys!
My involvement in this article was mostly as a format checker and “crunch” meister. Though I did help J. hammer out some of the details. I spent maybe 10 hours total, with 0.5 hours writing, 5 hours editing/format-checking, 0 hours for research, and maybe another 4.5 hours of revision. I had a blast working with […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Impulse Control
FNORD. SO MUCH FNORD. I was lucky enough to be asked to be part of the issue and even more lucky to end up on the cover of the 100th issue of the third iteration of Pyramid. Truly, the Secret Masters have put their blessing upon me. On a personal note, my first article “It’s […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Necro-Psi
I’ve done a lot of work creating new powers for GURPS Psionic Powers one of my biggest regrets was not getting credit on that book (I playtested it – but got no credit). I think my love for the system PK put together as much as my regret in not earning that credit has driven me […]
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