After one of my C-Team players for my Aeon campaign noted the lack of armories or “gadget” rooms in my rules for “What’s in a Lair?” I came up with some rules on the spot, but that got me thinking: Maybe some other folks could use this too.
New Fixture: Gear Repository
A room containing gear or equipment such as an armoury or supply closet. Such equipment cannot exceed the TL of the base itself. This also includes a method of cataloging such gear. At low TLs, this is likely via a written check in or check out, while at high TLs, this could be a RFID or barcode system, embedded locator chips, etc.
Repositories give a bonus to the roll to determine if a particular item could be found within a repository using the rules for Available Resources Range (Pyramid #3/86 Organizations, p. 7) as long as that item is appropriate. For example, you could not find explosives in a food pantry or computer supply close.
For a +1 to Available Resources Range this costs +5 CF. For +2 this costs +20 CF, for +3 this costs +100 CF, for +4 to the roll this costs +300 CF. If this bonus only applies to a smaller class of equipment apply one of the following cost reductions.
- Broad Category (weapons, electronics, etc.): Full Cost.
- Large Category (computer parts, dwarven goods, guns): -20%.
- Small Subcategory (desktop computer parts, dwarven weapons, rifles): -40%.
- Narrow Subcategory (desktop power supplies, dwarven blades, sniper rifles): -60%.
- Specific Item (Corsair desktop power supplies, dwarven axes, Russian sniper rifles): -80%.
Nice. I'm thinking I'm going to use this for Psipoc, since it's such a piece of bookkeeping pain to track every sewing kit and water purifier the players have gathered up.
What's in a lair? Gear by any other name would smell as sweet.
Man, I read that article a while ago, and remember thinking at the time it was some good stuff, but it somehow slipped my mind. I guess since I'm in the final stretches of prep time for a new campaign, I can take a closer look at it.
Yeah, you could use it for that. Huh. Didn't think about that.
Heh. Let me know what you think. 🙂