This giant scorpion has a body nearly six feet long, with a tail that’s equally long and tipped with a deadly stinger. Its pincers can cut a man in half if given enough time. Larger specimens are not unknown. It’s most dangerous feature is its poison which can turn anything it touches into stone, slowly petrifying them over the course of several minutes. Said poison is actually similiar to the silk of its arachnid cousins, but hardens when in contact with blood rather than air. Burrowing scorpions prefer warm climates like those found in jungles or deserts, but could theoretically be found anywhere.
Any Campaign Setting…
ST: 12 HP: 14 Speed: 6.00
DX: 12 Will: 10 Move: 6
IQ: 4 Per: 11 Weight: 250 lbs.
HT: 13 FP: 13 SM: 0
Dodge: 9 Parry: 10 DR: 2
Ambush (-): Roll the scorpion’s Stealth (at +4 if it’s had time to pick a spot and blend in within the last 10 minutes) vs. its target’s Perception. Success means it has gone unnoticed by its target and its first attack gains a +3 to hit, +1 to damage, andallows no active defense!
Pincers (14): 1d cutting. Reach C, 1. Any hit counts as a grapple, even if it doesn’t penetrate DR. This allows the scorpion to clinch – roll damage each turn as a free action! The scorpion can do this to at most two targets!
Stinger (14): 1d+1 impaling + follow‑up 1d‑3 corrosion (18 ten-second cycles). This does not reduce DR in any way. Once the subject takes at least 2/3 HP from this damage he acquires the Numb (p. B146) disadvantage. At 1/2 HP he becomes unable to move (treat this as if he were paralyzed, p. B428) as he turns to stone! The scorpion can attack specific body parts such as a hand or arm, in which case the effects described above. Stone to Flesh (p. B246) reverses all of these effects normally. Reach C-2.
Traits: 360° Vision; Chameleon 2 (Onset, 10 minutes); Clinging (Move 3); Cold-Blooded (65º); Combat Reflexes; Extra Legs (Eight Legs); Horizontal; Infravision; Immunity to Petrification; No Fine Manipulators; Silence 2 (Onset, 10 minutes); Striking ST+2 (Stinger only); Super Jump 1 (9‑yard jump); Tunneling (Move 3); Vibration Sense (Air); Wild Animal.
Skills: Brawling-14; Jumping‑14; Stealth‑16; Survival (Underground)-12; Wrestling-14.
Notes: If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright CheckGURPS Horror (p. 139), burrowing scorpions have a modifier of -3.
For Dungeon Fantasy…
ST: 12 HP: 14 Speed: 6.00
DX: 12 Will: 10 Move: 6
IQ: 4 Per: 11 Weight: 250 lbs.
HT: 13 FP: 13 SM: 0
Dodge: 9 Parry: 10 DR: 2
Ambush (-): Roll the scorpion’s Stealth (at +4 if it’s had time to pick a spot and blend in within the last 10 minutes) vs. its target’s Perception. Success means it has gone unnoticed by its target and its first attack gains a +3 to hit, +1 to damage, andallows no active defense!
Pincers (14): 1d cutting. Reach C, 1. Any hit counts as a grapple, even if it doesn’t penetrate DR. This allows the scorpion to clinch – roll damage each turn as a free action! The scorpion can do this to at most two targets!
Stinger (14): 1d+1 impaling + follow‑up 1d‑3 corrosion (18 ten-second cycles). This does not reduce DR in any way. Once the subject takes at least 2/3 HP from this damage he acquires the Numb (p. B146) disadvantage. At 1/2 HP he becomes unable to move (treat this as if he were paralyzed, p. B428) as he turns to stone! The scorpion can attack specific body parts such as a hand or arm, in which case the effects described above. Stone to Flesh (p. B246) reverses all of these effects normally. Reach C-2.
Traits: 360° Vision; Chameleon 2 (Onset, 10 minutes); Clinging (Move 3); Cold-Blooded (65º); Combat Reflexes; Extra Legs (Eight Legs); Horizontal; Infravision; Immunity to Petrification; No Fine Manipulators; Silence 2 (Onset, 10 minutes); Striking ST+2 (Stinger only); Super Jump 1 (9‑yard jump); Tunneling (Move 3); Vibration Sense (Air); Wild Animal.
Skills: Brawling-14; Jumping‑14; Stealth‑16; Survival (Underground)-12; Wrestling-14.
Class: Dire Animal.
Combat Effectiveness Rating: 118 (OR 106 and PR 14).
Notes: The poison can be harvested from the stinger (multiply the corrosion damage by four to determine the amount of damage inflicted with a single dose).
For Monster Hunters…
ST: 12 HP: 14 Speed: 6.00
DX: 14 Will: 10 Move: 6
IQ: 4 Per: 11 Weight: 250 lbs.
HT: 13 FP: 13 SM: 0
Dodge: 9 Parry: 10 DR: 2
Fright Check: -2
Ambush (-): Roll the scorpion’s Stealth (at +4 if it’s had time to pick a spot and blend in within the last 10 minutes) vs. its target’s Perception. Success means it has gone unnoticed by its target and its first attack gains a +3 to hit, +1 to damage, andallows no active defense!
Pincers (16): 1d cutting. Reach C, 1. Any hit counts as a grapple, even if it doesn’t penetrate DR. This allows the scorpion to clinch – roll damage each turn as a free action! The scorpion can do this to at most two targets!
Stinger (16): 1d+1 impaling + follow‑up 1d‑3 corrosion (18 ten-second cycles). This does not reduce DR in any way. Once the subject takes at least 2/3 HP from this damage he acquires the Numb (p. B146) disadvantage. At 1/2 HP he becomes unable to move (treat this as if he were paralyzed, p. B428) as he turns to stone! The scorpion can attack specific body parts such as a hand or arm, in which case the effects described above. Stone to Flesh (p. B246) reverses all of these effects normally. Reach C-2.
Traits: 360° Vision; Chameleon 2 (Onset, 10 minutes); Clinging (Move 3); Cold-Blooded (65º); Combat Reflexes; Extra Legs (Eight Legs); Horizontal; Infravision; Injury Tolerance (Unliving); Immunity to Petrification; No Fine Manipulators; Silence 2 (Onset, 10 minutes); Striking ST+2 (Stinger only); Super Jump 1 (9‑yard jump); Tunneling (Move 3); Vibration Sense (Air); Wild Animal.
Skills: Brawling-16; Jumping‑16; Stealth‑16; Survival (Underground)-14; Wrestling-16.
Notes: Use the skills listed under Cryptids in the Know Thy Enemy box in GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions(p. 16). Two to three scorpions are a fair fight for one champion.
Chris, what rules did you use for the, +3, +1 ambush? An All-Out Attack Strong would give you +2, +1.
Also, did you mean 1/3 HP for Numb?
I believe I used a custom technique and just didn't note it. A sort of "attack from below".
Nope, 2/3 HP. It was the lowest level of Symptom and felt about right. You can change it to 1/3 if you want though. Will make them tougher.