Triple Threat: Death Mauler

Note: This creature is directly inspired by the monster of the same name from Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.

Death Mauler
The Death Mauler is an earth demon that dwells deep within the network of subterranean caverns of the Burning Hells. They are well protected by a hard shell bristling with spikes and a thick, gnarled hide. Hulking, tenacious beasts with the strength of twenty men, they can attack at close range with enormous claws or use their special attack to strike from a distance. Be wary of this ranged attack – the Death Mauler can discharge long, burrowing tentacles from his hands that travel quickly and surreptitiously under the ground, bursting forth and impaling his opponents.
For Any Game…

ST: 20                   HP: 25                   Speed: 6.00
DX: 14                   Will: 12                Move: 8
IQ: 9                     Per: 12                  Weight: 2,000 lbs.
HT: 12                   FP: 12                   SM: +1                  
Dodge: 10             Parry: 10              DR: 6
Claws (14): 2d-1 cutting or impaling. Reach C-1.
Thorny Hide (14):1d-2 impaling. Roll once per opponent per turn of combat to those in Close Combat with you. Roll at +2 from those who attack you from behind.
Root Tendrils (14):3d impaling. Range is anywhere that the Death Mauler can see (and he takes no penalties), as long as their target is touching the ground or within one hex of it. This automatically ignores any DR gained from cover and inflicts a -2 to penalty to defend against it as the attack comes from underneath. The first time a character encounters a Death Mauler who attacks this way he is surprised unless he has 360º Vision or Peripheral Vision. Optionally, those with Danger Sense may defend at -2 on a successful use of their ability. Those who have seen a Death Mauler or know how it attacks defend as above.
Traits:  360º Vision; Appearance (Horrific); Constriction Attack; Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink Doesn’t Sleep; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous, No Blood; No Vitals); Night Vision 9; No Fine Manipulators; Permeation (Earth); Supernatural Durability (Can only be killed by damage from supernatural sources); Unfazeable; Vibration Sense (Hearing; Accessibility, Targets must be touching the ground)
Skills:Brawling-14; Camaflouge-12; Stealth-14; Survival (Underground)-14; Wrestling-14.
Notes: Elemental creature. If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check GURPS Horror, (p. 139),  Death Maulers have a modifier of -4.

For Dungeon Fantasy…
ST: 20                   HP: 25                   Speed: 6.00
DX: 14                   Will: 12                Move: 8
IQ: 9                     Per: 12                  Weight: 2,000 lbs.
HT: 12                   FP: 12                   SM: +1                  
Dodge: 10             Parry: 11              DR: 6
Claws (14): 2d-1 cutting or impaling. Reach C-1.
Thorny Hide (14):1d-2 impaling. Roll once per opponent per turn of combat to those in Close Combat with you. Roll at +2 from those who attack you from behind.
Root Tendrils (14):3d impaling. Range is anywhere that the Death Mauler can see (and he takes no penalties), as long as their target is touching the ground or within one hex of it. This automatically ignores any DR gained from cover and inflicts a -2 to penalty to defend against it as the attack comes from underneath. The first time a character encounters a Death Mauler who attacks this way he is surprised unless he has 360º Vision or Peripheral Vision. Optionally, those with Danger Sense may defend at -2 on a successful use of their ability. Those who have seen a Death Mauler or know how it attacks defend as above.
Traits:  360º Vision; Appearance (Horrific); Constriction Attack; Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink Doesn’t Sleep; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous, No Blood; No Vitals); Night Vision 9; No Fine Manipulators; Permeation (Earth); Supernatural Durability (Can only be killed by damage from supernatural sources); Unfazeable; Vibration Sense (Hearing; Accessibility, Targets must be touching the ground)
Skills:Brawling-14; Camaflouge-12; Stealth-14; Survival (Underground)-14; Wrestling-14.
Classification: Elemental.
Notes: Unwilling to negotiate. Truly evil.
For Monster Hunters…
ST: 20                   HP: 25                  Speed: 6.00
DX: 14                   Will: 12                Move: 8
IQ: 9                     Per: 12                  Weight: 2,000 lbs.
HT: 12                   FP: 12                   SM: +1                  
Dodge: 10             Parry: 13              DR: 6
Fright Check: -4
Claws (14): 2d-1 cutting or impaling. Reach C-1. This is performed as a Deceptive Attack (-2 to Active Defenses).
Thorny Hide (14):1d-2 impaling. Roll once per opponent per turn of combat to those in Close Combat with you. Roll at +2 from those who attack you from behind.
Root Tendrils (14):3d impaling. Range is anywhere that the Death Mauler can see (and he takes no penalties), as long as their target is touching the ground or within one hex of it. This automatically ignores any DR gained from cover and inflicts a -2 to penalty to defend against it as the attack comes from underneath. The first time a character encounters a Death Mauler who attacks this way he is surprised unless he has 360º Vision or Peripheral Vision. Optionally, those with Danger Sense may defend at -2 on a successful use of their ability. Those who have seen a Death Mauler or know how it attacks defend as above.
Traits:  360º Vision; Appearance (Horrific); Constriction Attack; Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink Doesn’t Sleep; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous, No Blood); Night Vision 9; No Fine Manipulators; Permeation (Earth); Supernatural Durability (Can only be killed by damage from supernatural sources); Unfazeable; Vibration Sense (Hearing; Accessibility, Targets must be touching the ground)
Skills:Brawling-18; Camaflouge-16; Stealth-16; Survival (Underground)-16; Wrestling-18.
Notes: Earth Elemental. Use the skills listed under Demon or Free-Willed in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). One to two champions should be able to handle a single Death Mauler.
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