This twisted monstrosity resembles a cross between a camel cricket and some sort of reptile…with a gigantic mouth where its torso should be. It has fully functional wings, which resemble those of a dragonfly with reptilian features. It attacks by getting close enough to draw its prey into its huge mouth where it is impaled on hundreds of sharp needle-like teeth.
Any Game Setting…
ST: 40 HP: 40 Speed: 6.00
DX: 14 Will: 14 Move: 11 (16 Air Move)
IQ: 10 Per: 14 Weight: 30 tons
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: +4
Dodge: 10 Parry: n/a DR: 10
Bite (16): 4d+1 impaling. Reach C-4. On subsequent turns, the Maw can Worry (see below). This attack can target a the torso (or central mass location) of any being smaller than its SM plus 1. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part.
Slam and Scoop (16): 5d+3 crushing and 4d+4 impaling. Reach C. This is performed as a All-Out Attack (Strong).
Spines (16): 1d impaling. Roll once per opponent per turn of combat to those in Close Combat with you. Roll at +2 from those who attack you from below.
Torso Grapple (16): No damage, but on further turns can squeeze (Choke or Strangle, p. B370) as ST 40 or worry.
Worry (-): This can only be used after a target has been bitten. It does the same damage as the bite.
Traits: 360º Vision; Appearance (Horrific); Bad Smell; Combat Reflexes; Extra Attack (Bite attacks only); Flight (Winged); Frightens Animals;Injury Tolerance (Unliving); Lifebane; Quadruped; Social Stigma (Monster); Spines (Long); Terror (Visual; -10 to Fright Checks; Always On);
Skills: Brawling-16; Wrestling-16.
Notes: Servant of the Sleepers. If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check GURPS Horror, (p. 139), Gaping Maws have a modifier of -10.
Dungeon Fantasy…
ST: 40 HP: 40 Speed: 6.00
DX: 14 Will: 14 Move: 11 (16 Air Move)
IQ: 10 Per: 14 Weight: 30 tons
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: +4
Dodge: 10 Parry: n/a DR: 8
Bite (16): 4d+1 impaling. Reach C-4. On subsequent turns, the Maw can Worry (see below). This attack can target a the torso (or central mass location) of any being smaller than its SM plus 1. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part.
Slam and Scoop (16): 5d+3 crushing and 4d+4 impaling. Reach C. This is performed as a All-Out Attack (Strong).
Spines (16): 1d impaling. Roll once per opponent per turn of combat to those in Close Combat with you. Roll at +2 from those who attack you from below.
Torso Grapple (16): No damage, but on further turns can squeeze (Choke or Strangle, p. B370) as ST 40 or worry.
Worry (-): This can only be used after a target has been bitten. It does the same damage as the bite.
Traits: 360º Vision; Appearance (Horrific); Bad Smell; Combat Reflexes; Extra Attack (Bite attacks only); Flight (Winged); Frightens Animals;Injury Tolerance (Unliving); Lifebane; Quadruped; Social Stigma (Monster); Spines (Long); Terror (Visual; -10 to Fright Checks; Always On);
Skills: Brawling-16; Wrestling-16.
Classification: Elder Thing.
Notes: None.
Notes: None.
Monster Hunters…
ST: 40 HP: 40 Speed: 6.00
DX: 14 Will: 14 Move: 11 (16 Air Move)
IQ: 10 Per: 14 Weight: 30 tons
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: +4
Dodge: 10 Parry: n/a DR: 15
Fright Check: -10
Bite (16): 5d+1 impaling. Reach C-4. On subsequent turns, the Maw can Worry (see below). This attack can target a the torso (or central mass location) of any being smaller than its SM plus 1. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part. This is performed as a Deceptive Attack (-2 to Active Defenses).
Slam and Scoop (16): 5d+3 crushing and 5d+6 impaling. Reach C. This is performed as a All-Out Attack (Strong) and Deceptive Attack (-2 to Active Defenses).
Spines (20): 1d impaling. Roll once per opponent per turn of combat to those in Close Combat with you. Roll at +2 from those who attack you from below.
Torso Grapple (16): No damage, but on further turns can squeeze (Choke or Strangle, p. B370) as ST 50 or worry. This is performed as a Deceptive Attack (-2 to Active Defenses).
Worry (-): This can only be used after a target has been bitten. It does the same damage as the bite.
Traits: 360º Vision; Appearance (Horrific); Bad Smell; Combat Reflexes; Extra Attack (Bite attacks only); Flight (Winged); Frightens Animals;Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction 2; Homogenous); Lifebane; Quadruped; Social Stigma (Monster); Spines (Long); Terror (Visual; -10 to Fright Checks; Always On).
Skills: Brawling-20; Wrestling-20.
Notes: Use the skills listed under Demons in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). Three to Four champions should be able to handle a single Maw.
Should it have 'born biter'
I love this beastie. It shiuld probably have a charging attack listed, btw. And in the game, it eventually starts vomiting some acidic sludge all over the place. You know, because it wasnt already diagusting…
I thought about it, but as it stands it can grapple a SM+1 or less creature's torso with it's mouth. I figured that was good enough.
I probably should put some kind of charging attack in there. Hmmm. I didn't add a vomit attack because I already felt it was a bit overkill. I'll think about adding that as well.