Triple Threat – Gorillaphant

Note: Nymdok dared me to write this up…so I did. Deal with it.

Some madman’s twisted vision, the aptly named “gorillaphant” is part elephant and part gorilla. I think that about says it all.

Any Campaign Setting…
ST: 30             HP: 30            Speed: 6.00
DX: 12            Will: 12           Move: 7/14
IQ: 7               Per: 12            Weight:2 tons.
HT: 12            FP: 12             SM: +2
Dodge: 10       Parry: 10        DR: 5
Bite (14): 3d+2 crushing. Reach C-1.
Spear (14): 3d+4 impaling. Reach 1-2. If used two-handedly damage becomes 3d+5 impaling and Reach becomes 2-3. If thrown: Acc 2; Range 33/49; RoF 1; Shots T(1); Bulk -6.
Traits: Arm ST +3; Combat Reflexes; Enhanced Move 1 (Ground Speed 14); Low TL (TL2); Peripheral Vision.
Skills:  Brawling-14; Hiking-12; Stealth-12; Spear-14; Survival (Plains)-12; Thrown Weapon (Spear)-14.
Notes: If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check from GURPS Horror (p. 139), gorillaphants have a modifier of -1.

For Dungeon Fantasy…
ST: 30             HP: 30            Speed: 6.00
DX: 12            Will: 12           Move: 7/14
IQ: 7               Per: 12            Weight: 2 tons.
HT: 12            FP: 12             SM: +2
Dodge: 10       Parry: 10        DR: 5
Bite (14): 3d+2 crushing. Reach C-1.
Spear (14): 3d+4 impaling. Reach 1-2. If used two-handedly damage becomes 3d+5 impaling and Reach becomes 2-3. If thrown: Acc 2; Range 33/49; RoF 1; Shots T(1); Bulk -6.
Traits: Arm ST +3; Combat Reflexes; Enhanced Move 1 (Ground Speed 14); Low TL (TL2); Peripheral Vision.
Skills:  Brawling-14; Hiking-12; Stealth-12; Spear-14; Survival (Plains)-12; Thrown Weapon (Spear)-14.
Class: Dire Animal.
Notes: Willing to negotiate.

For Monster Hunters…
ST: 40             HP: 30            Speed: 6.00
DX: 12            Will: 12           Move: 7/14
IQ: 7               Per: 12            Weight: 2 tons.
HT: 12            FP: 12             SM: +2
Dodge: 10       Parry: 10        DR: 5
Fright Check: -1
Bite (14): 4d+4 crushing. Reach C-1.
Spear (14): 4d+4 impaling. Reach 1-2. If used two-handedly damage becomes 4d+5 impaling and Reach becomes 2-3. If thrown: Acc 2; Range 43/64; RoF 1; Shots T(1); Bulk -6.
Traits: Arm ST +3; Combat Reflexes; Enhanced Move 1 (Ground Speed 14); Low TL (TL2); Peripheral Vision.
Skills:  Brawling-14; Hiking-12; Stealth-12; Spear-14; Survival (Plains)-12; Thrown Weapon (Spear)-14.
Notes: Use the skills listed under Cryptids in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). One gorillaphant is a fair fight for one champion.
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