Triple Threat – Gullinbursti

Note: Gullinbursti is a creature of Norse myth, this is my take on it.

“Sindri laid a pigskin in the hearth and bade Brokkr blow, and did not cease work until he took out of the hearth that which he had laid therein. But when he went out of the smithy, while the other dwarf was blowing, straightway a fly settled upon his hand and stung: yet he blew on as before, until the smith took the work out of the hearth; and it was a boar, with mane and bristles of gold. … Then Brokkr brought forward his gifts: … to Freyr he gave the boar, saying that it could run through air and water better than any horse, and it could never become so dark with night or gloom of the Murky Regions that there should not be sufficient light where he went, such was the glow from its mane and bristles.” – Skáldskaparmál, Translation by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur

This large boar (12’ long and 3’ wide) has a hide made out of enchanted gold, bejeweled eyes, and is made entirely of clockwork (which is powered by a bound spirit). It was made by the dvergr Brokkr and Eitri due to a bet between them and Loki and eventually given to the god Freyr. Gullinbursti is not intelligent as such lacking a human mind – though he is sapient and smart enough. He is rarely set loose on Midgard, but when he is, it’s always with a purpose set by the gods. Gullinbursti cannot be killed and when he dies the spirit that animates him returns to Asgard and reforms its corporeal body over the course of several days. In campaigns with modern firearms Gullinbursti is immune to most small arms – including assault rifles (7d or less). For campaigns without such weapons, reduce DR to 24 (handheld weapons rarely exceed 4d). For other campaigns, find the largest easiest portable weapon and multiply its dice of damage by 6 to get Gullinbursti’s DR.
Any Campaign Setting…
ST: 30             HP: 40            Speed: 8.00
DX: 14            Will: 14           Move: 16  
IQ: 8               Per: 18            Weight: 800 lbs.
HT: 18            FP: N/A          SM: +2
Dodge: 12       Parry: 13        DR: 42 (Hardened 1)
Fright Check: -3
Bristles (10):1d impaling. Roll once per turn against each foe in your hex, as a free action. Roll at a -2 if your attacker is attacking you from below. Anyone who grapple or slams you are automatically hit, those who slam you take maximum damage
Flash of Brilliance (20): 10-yard-wide by 30-yard-long cone of pure light does 6dx2(3) burning. This can only be used every 1d seconds in areas with a Darkness penalty of -2 or less, or 1dx5 seconds with a Darkness penalty or -3 to -8, or not at all in areas with -9 or more! Treat the flammability class (Making Things Burn, p. B433) of the subject as one step higher than it actually is.
Golden Hide (20): Anyone who can see Gullinbursti must succeed a Quick Contest of their Perception vs. Gullinbursti’s skill or suffer a -5 on all Vision rolls for hours equal to their margin of failure. Critical failure or failure by 5 or more renders the target Blind instead!
Gore (16):  3d+6 cutting or impaling. Reach C-3. If this gets through DR, subject must make a HT roll (at -1 per 2 points of penetrating damage) or temporarily acquire the Hemophilia disadvantage (p. B138) for (20-HT) hours, minimum 1. Made as a Deceptive Attack (-2 to defend against).
Kick (14): 3d+6 crushing.
Slam (16): 7d+19 crushing. Made as an All-Out Attack (Strong) and Deceptive Attack (-2 to defend against).
Traits: Appearance (Very Handsome; Impressive); Automaton; Bad Temper (9); Berserk (9) (Battle-Rage); Cannot Float; Combat Reflexes; Dark Vision; Discriminatory Smell (Profiling; Emotion Sense (16-yards)); Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; Duty (To Norse gods); Enhanced Move 3.5 (Ground; Accessibility, Only to offset lost Move in a slam); Extra Attack 2 (Multi-Strike); Focused Fury; Horizontal; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Immunity to Pain; Immunity to Telepathy (Cosmic);  Indomitable (Cosmic); Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction 2; Homogenous, No Blood, No Neck); Long Spines (1d impaling; Reach C); No Fine Manipulators; Noisy 2; Pressure Support 3; Quadruped; Ramming Speed; Regeneration (Very Fast); Supernatural Durability (Blessed weaponry or golden weaponry or any weapon made by a dvergr); Temperature Tolerance 20; Unfazeable (Cosmic); Unkillable 3; Vacuum Support; Walk on Air; Walk on Liquid;
Skills:  Brawling-20; Tracking-20.
Classification: Construct andServitor of Good.

Notes: Cannot be truly killed, if killed the spirit that animates the boar goes back to Asgard where it forms another body which takes 1d days. It does not seek vengeance for its death unless ordered to by one of the Aesir or Vanir. Its golden hide is weighs 40 lbs. and requires either a Mechanic (Clockwork) or Professional Skill (Butcher) roll to remove without ruining it. Failure results in a loss of 5% x margin of failure in weight as the gold flakes off and disintegrates. Success means the hide was removed properly and can be melted down for its weight in gold or kept as is (treat the value of such a golden hide as twenty times what it’s value as pure gold would otherwise be). Critical success increasesthe value by 20% as the butcher removes all the gold from the clockwork frame. Critical failure destroys the hide completely causing it to disintegrate! Golden weapons forged from one of these hides reduce Gullinbursti’s DR to 2; those forged by a dvergr also ignore its Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction)! If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check from GURPS Horror (p. 139), Gullinbursti has a modifier of -3. Use the skills listed under Free-Willed Spirits or Rogue Witches in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). Gullinbursti is a tough boss creature and will challenge a entire team of champions.

For Dungeon Fantasy…
ST: 30             HP: 40            Speed: 8.00
DX: 14            Will: 14           Move: 16  
IQ: 8               Per: 18            Weight: 800 lbs.
HT: 18            FP: N/A          SM: +2
Dodge: 12       Parry: 13        DR: 24 (Hardened 1)
Bristles (10):1d impaling. Roll once per turn against each foe in your hex, as a free action. Roll at a -2 if your attacker is attacking you from below. Anyone who grapple or slams you are automatically hit, those who slam you take maximum damage
Flash of Brilliance (20): 10-yard-wide by 30-yard-long cone of pure light does 6d(2) burning. This can only be used every 1d seconds in areas with a Darkness penalty of -2 or less, or 1dx5 seconds with a Darkness penalty or -3 to -8, or not at all in areas with -9 or more! Treat the flammability class (Making Things Burn, p. B433) of the subject as one step higher than it actually is.
Golden Hide (20): Anyone who can see Gullinbursti must succeed a Quick Contest of their Perception vs. Gullinbursti’s skill or suffer a -5 on all Vision rolls for hours equal to their margin of failure. Critical failure or failure by 5 or more renders the target Blind instead!
Gore (16):  3d+6 cutting or impaling. Reach C-3. If this gets through DR, subject must make a HT roll (at -1 per 2 points of penetrating damage) or temporarily acquire the Hemophilia disadvantage (p. B138) for (20-HT) hours, minimum 1. Made as a Deceptive Attack (-2 to defend against).
Kick (14): 3d+6 crushing.
Slam (16): 7d+19 crushing. Made as an All-Out Attack (Strong) and Deceptive Attack (-2 to defend against).
Traits: Appearance (Very Handsome; Impressive); Automaton; Bad Temper (9); Berserk (9) (Battle-Rage); Cannot Float; Combat Reflexes; Dark Vision; Discriminatory Smell (Profiling; Emotion Sense (16-yards)); Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; Duty (To gods); Enhanced Move 3.5 (Ground; Accessibility, Only to offset lost Move in a slam); Extra Attack 2 (Multi-Strike); Focused Fury; Horizontal; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Immunity to Pain; Immunity to Telepathy (Cosmic);  Indomitable (Cosmic); Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction 2; Homogenous, No Blood, No Neck); Long Spines (1d impaling; Reach C); No Fine Manipulators; Noisy 2; Pressure Support 3; Quadruped; Ramming Speed; Regeneration (Very Fast); Supernatural Durability (Blessed weaponry or golden weaponry or any weapon wielded or made by a cleric of a Artificer god); Temperature Tolerance 20; Unfazeable (Cosmic); Unkillable 3; Vacuum Support; Walk on Air; Walk on Liquid;
Skills:  Brawling-20; Tracking-20.
Class: Construct and Servitor of Good.

Notes: Cannot be truly killed, if killed the spirit that animates the boar goes back to Asgard where it forms another body which takes 1d days. It does not seek vengeance for its death unless ordered to by one of the Aesir or Vanir. Its golden hide is weighs 40 lbs. and requires either a Mechanic (Clockwork) or Professional Skill (Butcher) roll to remove without ruining it. Failure results in a loss of 5% x margin of failure in weight as the gold flakes off and disintegrates. Success means the hide was removed properly and can be melted down for its weight in gold or kept as is (treat the value of such a golden hide as twenty times what it’s value as pure gold would otherwise be). Critical success increases the value by 20% as the butcher removes all the gold from the clockwork frame. Critical failure destroys the hide completely causing it to disintegrate! Golden weapons forged from one of these hides reduce Gullinbursti’s DR to 2; those forged by a dvergr also ignore its Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction)!

For Monster Hunters…
ST: 40             HP: 50            Speed: 9.00
DX: 16            Will: 14           Move: 16  
IQ: 8               Per: 18            Weight: 800 lbs.
HT: 18            FP: N/A          SM: +2
Dodge: 13       Parry: 15        DR: 42 (Hardened 1)
Fright Check: -3
Bristles (10):1d impaling. Roll once per turn against each foe in your hex, as a free action. Roll at a -2 if your attacker is attacking you from below. Anyone who grapple or slams you are automatically hit, those who slam you take maximum damage
Flash of Brilliance (20): 10-yard-wide by 30-yard-long cone of pure light does 6dx3(5) burning. This can only be used every 1d seconds in areas with a Darkness penalty of -2 or less, or 1dx5 seconds with a Darkness penalty or -3 to -8, or not at all in areas with -9 or more! Treat the flammability class (Making Things Burn, p. B433) of the subject as one step higher than it actually is.
Golden Hide (20): Anyone who can see Gullinbursti must succeed a Quick Contest of their Perception vs. Gullinbursti’s skill or suffer a -5 on all Vision rolls for hours equal to their margin of failure. Critical failure or failure by 5 or more renders the target Blind instead!
Gore (16):  4d+9 cutting or impaling. Reach C-3. If this gets through DR, subject must make a HT roll (at -1 per 2 points of penetrating damage) or temporarily acquire the Hemophilia disadvantage (p. B138) for (20-HT) hours, minimum 1. Made as a Deceptive Attack (-4 to defend against).
Kick (14): 4d+9 crushing.
Slam (16): 8d+30 crushing. Made as an All-Out Attack (Strong) and Deceptive Attack (-4 to defend against).
Traits: Appearance (Very Handsome; Impressive); Automaton; Bad Temper (9); Berserk (9) (Battle-Rage); Cannot Float; Combat Reflexes; Dark Vision; Discriminatory Smell (Profiling; Emotion Sense (16-yards)); Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; Duty (To Norse gods); Enhanced Move 3.5 (Ground; Accessibility, Only to offset lost Move in a slam); Extra Attack 2 (Multi-Strike); Focused Fury; Horizontal; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Immunity to Pain; Immunity to Telepathy (Cosmic);  Indomitable (Cosmic); Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction 4; Homogenous, No Blood, No Neck); Long Spines (1d impaling; Reach C); No Fine Manipulators; Noisy 2; Pressure Support 3; Quadruped; Ramming Speed; Regeneration (Very Fast); Supernatural Durability (Blessed weaponry or golden weaponry or any weapon made by a dvergr); Temperature Tolerance 20; Unfazeable (Cosmic); Unkillable 3; Vacuum Support; Walk on Air; Walk on Liquid;
Skills:  Brawling-24; Tracking-24.

Notes: Affected by Path of Matter and Path of Spirit. Cannot be truly killed, if killed the spirit that animates the boar goes back to Asgard where it forms another body which takes 1d days. It does not seek vengeance for its death unless ordered to by one of the Aesir or Vanir. Its golden hide is weighs 40 lbs. and requires either a Mechanic (Clockwork) or Professional Skill (Butcher) roll to remove without ruining it. Failure results in a loss of 5% x margin of failure in weight as the gold flakes off and disintegrates. Success means the hide was removed properly and can be melted down for its weight in gold or kept as is (treat the value of such a golden hide as twenty times what it’s value as pure gold would otherwise be). Critical success increases the value by 20% as the butcher removes all the gold from the clockwork frame. Critical failure destroys the hide completely causing it to disintegrate! Golden weapons forged from one of these hides reduce Gullinbursti’s DR to 2; those forged by a dvergr also ignore its Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction)! Use the skills listed under Free-Willed Spirits or Rogue Witches in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). Gullinbursti is a tough boss creature and will challenge a entire team of champions.
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