Triple Threat: Piranha Locust

Piranha locusts are large, cat-sized insects that outwardly locust-appearing except they are colored charcoal grey with hues of black and red and have scorpion tails with stingers. Sometimes called “Revelation’s Roaches” piranha locusts are big, mean, prone to swarming, and possess a unique set of jaws that allow them to rotate and pull their teeth in an almost chainsaw-like fashion. Besides leaving vicious wounds, their saliva acts as an anticoagulant making their victims bleed freely.

After the End/Any Campaign Setting…

ST: 6               HP: 6              Speed: 6.00
DX: 12            Will: 10          Move: 6 (12 Air Move)
IQ: 4               Per: 12           Weight: 5 to 10 lbs.
HT: 12            FP: 12             SM: -4
Dodge: 10       Parry: N/A     DR: 2
Bite (12): 1d cutting. Reach C. If DR is penetrated, the target must make a HT roll at -1 per two points of basic damage or suffer from the Hemophilia disadvantage for hours equal to their margin of failure (minimum of 1 hour).
Stinger (12): 1d-1 impaling + follow-up. If DR is penetrated, the target must roll HT-4 or suffer from terrible pain.
Worry (-): On any round in which a piranha locust bites its target it may automatically grapple to stay attached. If it does this the next round it automatically inflicts its bite damage until it’s pried loose (this requires a roll of ST vs. ST). If not pried loose it does an additional +1 to damage on the following round, cumulatively until it deals 1d+4 cutting damage per second. This costs 1 FP per +2 damage inflicted and stacks with other effects such as All-Out Attack (Strong) or Mighty Blows.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Extra Legs (Six Legs; Cannot Kick); Flight (Winged); Horizontal; Injury Tolerance (No Neck); No Fine Manipulators; Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+3); Unfazeable; Ultravision; Wild Animal.
Skills: Brawling-12; Stealth-12.
Notes: If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check from GURPS Horror (p. 139), piranha locusts are -3 to Will rolls if you can see their teeth in action, otherwise it’s a mere -1.


For Dungeon Fantasy…

ST: 6               HP: 6              Speed: 6.00
DX: 12            Will: 10          Move: 6 (12 Air Move)
IQ: 4               Per: 12           Weight: 5 to 10 lbs.
HT: 12            FP: 12             SM: -4
Dodge: 10       Parry: N/A     DR: 2
Bite (12): 1d(2) cutting. Reach C. If DR is penetrated, the target must make a HT roll at -1 per two points of basic damage or suffer from the Hemophilia disadvantage for hours equal to their margin of failure (minimum of 1 hour).
Stinger (12): 1d-1(2) impaling + follow-up. If DR is penetrated, the target must roll HT-4 or suffer from terrible pain.
Worry (-): On any round in which a piranha locust bites its target it may automatically grapple to stay attached. If it does this the next round it automatically inflicts its bite damage until it’s pried loose (this requires a roll of ST vs. ST). If not pried loose it does an additional +1 to damage on the following round, cumulatively until it deals 1d+4 cutting damage per second. This costs 1 FP per +2 damage inflicted and stacks with other effects such as All-Out Attack (Strong) or Mighty Blows.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Extra Legs (Six Legs; Cannot Kick); Flight (Winged); Horizontal; Injury Tolerance (No Neck); No Fine Manipulators; Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+3); Unfazeable; Ultravision; Wild Animal.
Skills: Brawling-12; Stealth-12.
Notes: Piranha locust saliva is highly prized as is its poison. Each locust has 1d/2 doses of each. Saliva is worth $300 a dose and its poison is worth $500 a dose.

For Monster Hunters…

ST: 10             HP: 10              Speed: 6.00
DX: 14            Will: 10          Move: 6 (12 Air Move)
IQ: 4               Per: 12           Weight: 5 to 10 lbs.
HT: 12            FP: 12             SM: -4
Dodge: 10     Parry: N/A   DR: 2
Fright Check: -1 (-3 in a swarm)
Bite (12): 1d+2(2) cutting. Reach C. If DR is penetrated, the target must make a HT roll at -1 per two points of basic damage or suffer from the Hemophilia disadvantage for hours equal to their margin of failure (minimum of 1 hour).
Stinger (12): 1d+1(2) impaling + follow-up. If DR is penetrated, the target must roll HT-4 or suffer from terrible pain.
Worry (-): On any round in which a piranha locust bites its target it may automatically grapple to stay attached. If it does this the next round it automatically inflicts its bite damage until it’s pried loose (this requires a roll of ST vs. ST). If not pried loose it does an additional +2 to damage on the following round, cumulatively until it deals 1d+10 cutting damage per second. This costs 1 FP per +2 damage inflicted and stacks with other effects such as All-Out Attack (Strong) or Mighty Blows.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Extra Legs (Six Legs; Cannot Kick); Flight (Winged); Horizontal; Injury Tolerance (No Neck); No Fine Manipulators; Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+3); Unfazeable; Ultravision; Wild Animal.
Skills: Brawling-14; Stealth-14.
Notes: Use the skills listed under Cryptids in the Know Thy Enemy box in GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions (p. 16). Four to five locusts are appropriate fodder per champion.


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