Triple Threat – Rat-Thing Swarm

Note: Rat-Thing’s are from H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos.

Rat-Thing Swarm
Rat-Thing swarms are a writhing mass of normal rats and actual Rat-Things (which “control” them) – they are the epitome of fear for a musophobe. Eight or more Rat-Things (and hundreds of rats) constitute a swarm.

Any Campaign Setting…
ST: 8                      HP: 48                 Speed: 6.00
DX: 12                   Will: 12               Move: 9
IQ: 10                    Per: 12                Weight: 200 lbs.
HT: 14                   FP: 12                 SM: 0

Dodge: 10             Parry: n/a            DR: 3

Bite (14): 1d+1 cutting; Reach C; roll once, an additional attack hits per point of margin by which they succeed with no upper limit!
Claw (14): 1d-1 crushing; Reach C; roll once, an additional attack hits per point of margin by which they succeed with no upper limit!
Grapple (14): Made as an All-Out Attack (Determined). No damage. Reach C. Success means that one rat-thing hits, plus another for every point of success, to the maximum of eight. To defend, make one roll against Dodge or Parry. If successful, the victim avoids one attack, plus additional attacks equal to his margin of success.
Takedown (–): After grappling, rat-thing swarms usually drag their target down. This is a Quick Contest of their ST+5 vs. the higher of their victim’s ST, DX, or best grappling skill. If they win, the target falls; they scramble over him to retain the grapple. On a tie, nothing happens. If the victim wins, he automatically
shake off (margin of victory) rat-things, breaking their hold on him! After a successful takedown, the rat-things and rats start biting or clawing; use the attack rules above. Because the target is grappled and lying down, he has a net -5 to Parry, -4 to Dodge, and -8 to attack back!
Traits:  Combat Reflexes; Filter Lungs; Flexibility; Frightens Animals (Not rodents); Fur; Reduced Consumption 3 (Cast Iron Stomach); Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+8); Semi-Upright; Silence 2; Universal Digestion.
Skills: Acrobatics-10; Brawling-14; Climbing-15; Escape-14; Stealth-14; Urban Survival-13; Wrestling-14.

Notes: Sterile. Specimens with IQ 10 or higher may have access to magic appropriate to the campaign setting. If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check GURPS Horror, (p. 139), Rat-Thing Swarms have a modifier of -3. 

For Dungeon Fantasy…
ST: 8                      HP: 48                 Speed: 6.00
DX: 12                   Will: 12               Move: 9
IQ: 10                    Per: 12                Weight: 200 lbs.
HT: 14                   FP: 12                 SM: 0

Dodge: 10             Parry: n/a            DR: 3

Bite (14): 1d+1 cutting; Reach C; roll once, an additional attack hits per point of margin by which they succeed with no upper limit!
Claw (14): 1d-1 crushing; Reach C; roll once, an additional attack hits per point of margin by which they succeed with no upper limit!
Grapple (14): Made as an All-Out Attack (Determined). No damage. Reach C. Success means that one rat-thing hits, plus another for every point of success, to the maximum of eight. To defend, make one roll against Dodge or Parry. If successful, the victim avoids one attack, plus additional attacks equal to his margin of success.
Takedown (–): After grappling, rat-thing swarms usually drag their target down. This is a Quick Contest of their ST+5 vs. the higher of their victim’s ST, DX, or best grappling skill. If they win, the target falls; they scramble over him to retain the grapple. On a tie, nothing happens. If the victim wins, he automatically
shake off (margin of victory) rat-things, breaking their hold on him! After a successful takedown, the rat-things and rats start biting or clawing; use the attack rules above. Because the target is grappled and lying down, he has a net -5 to Parry, -4 to Dodge, and -8 to attack back!
Traits:  Combat Reflexes; Filter Lungs; Flexibility; Frightens Animals (Not rodents); Fur; Reduced Consumption 3 (Cast Iron Stomach); Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+8); Semi-Upright; Silence 2; Universal Digestion.
Skills: Acrobatics-10; Brawling-14; Climbing-15; Escape-14; Stealth-14; Urban Survival-13; Wrestling-14.
Classification: Elder Thing.

Notes: Sterile. Specimens with IQ 10 or higher may have access to magic appropriate to the campaign setting. If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check GURPS Horror, (p. 139) Rat-Things have a modifier of -1. Some specimens may have access to magic. Those with a IQ of 10 or higher have Magery equal to (IQ – 10) and access to Wizard spells. Those who do have magic typically like using the Ceremonial Magic rules to make their spells even more potent.

For Monster Hunters…
ST: 8                      HP: 48                 Speed: 6.00
DX: 12                   Will: 12               Move: 9
IQ: 10                    Per: 12                Weight: 200 lbs.
HT: 14                   FP: 12                 SM: 0

Dodge: 10             Parry: n/a            DR: 5

Fright Check: -3

Bite (14): 2d-1 cutting; Reach C; roll once, an additional attack hits per point of margin by which they succeed with no upper limit!
Claw (14): 1d-1 crushing; Reach C; roll once, an additional attack hits per point of margin by which they succeed with no upper limit!
Grapple (14): Made as an All-Out Attack (Determined). No damage. Reach C. Success means that one rat-thing hits, plus another for every point of success, to the maximum of eight. To defend, make one roll against Dodge or Parry. If successful, the victim avoids one attack, plus additional attacks equal to his margin of success.
Takedown (–): After grappling, rat-thing swarms usually drag their target down. This is a Quick Contest of their ST+5 vs. the higher of their victim’s ST, DX, or best grappling skill. If they win, the target falls; they scramble over him to retain the grapple. On a tie, nothing happens. If the victim wins, he automatically
shake off (margin of victory) rat-things, breaking their hold on him! After a successful takedown, the rat-things and rats start biting or clawing; use the attack rules above. Because the target is grappled and lying down, he has a net -5 to Parry, -4 to Dodge, and -8 to attack back!
Traits:  Combat Reflexes; Filter Lungs; Flexibility; Frightens Animals (Not rodents); Fur; High Pain Threshold; Injury Tolerance (Unliving); Language (Demontongue; Native); Reduced Consumption 3 (Cast Iron Stomach); Regeneration (Regular); Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+8); Semi-Upright; Silence 2; Universal Digestion. Additionally, roll once on Demonic Variety (Monster Hunters 3, p. 19).
Skills: Acrobatics-10; Brawling-14; Climbing-15; Escape-14; Stealth-14; Urban Survival-13; Wrestling-14.

Notes: Sterile. Some specimens may have access to magic. Those with an IQ of 10 or higher have Ritual Aptitude 5 and 6 points in Path skills (typically Path of Body and/or Mind) plus a Thaumatology equal to their IQ. Those with IQ of 16 or higher have Ritual Adept. Those who do have magic typically like using the Working Together rules to make their spells even more potent. Use the skills listed under Demons in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). One Rat-Thing Swarm is a fair fight for two to three champions.

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