Ugly, hunched creatures, spriggan are the bullies and thugs of Faerie – and sometimes bodyguards for those who can afford them. Though small (average spriggan is about the size of a human child), they can grow their size to giant-like proportions (over 15’ tall). Spriggans are distantly related to piskies and are widely thought to be the ghosts of giants who have been slain. Despite rumors that they can control the weather and nature, they cannot, instead these are piskies and other sylvan fae who associate with spriggan or buy their services.
Any Campaign Setting…
ST: 12 HP: 14 Speed: 7.00
DX: 14 Will: 12 Move: 7
IQ: 8 Per: 12 Weight: 80 lbs.
HT: 16 FP: 16 SM: -1
Dodge: 11 Parry: 12 DR: 2 (Tough Skin)
Claws (16): 1d-1 crushing. Reach C.
Bite (16): 1d-1 cutting. Reach C.
Improvised Weapon (9): Based on Damage 1d-1/1d+2.
Traits: Alternate Form (Human; Cosmetic, -50%; Glamour, Will-5, -5%; Substantial Only, -10%); Appearance (Monstrous); Bad Temper (12);Bloodlust (12); Callous;Can Be Turned Using True Name*; Combat Reflexes; Divine Curse (Can be bound using True Name); Divine Curse (If asked something three times they must make sure it’s true/comes to pass); Divine Curse (Keep to the letter of any promise); Dread (Iron); Dread (Uttering their True Name aloud); Frightens Animals;Growth 3 (Can Carry Objects, Heavy; Maximum Size Only, SM +2); Hidebound; High Pain Threshold; Invisibility (Can Carry Objects, None, +10%; Glamour, Will-5, -5%; Substantial Only, -10%; Switchable, +10%); Jumper (Spirit; Costs Fatigue, 5 FP, -50%; Limited Access, Underhill, -20%; Special Movement, must be able to walk, -10%; Special Portal, any reflective surface, -20%; Tunnel (Takes Extra Time 5, -50%), +20%); Odious Personal Habit (Capricious); Odious Personal Habit (Eats sapients); Reduced Consumption 2 (Cast-Iron Stomach); Regeneration (Fast; Bane, Iron); Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+3); Revulsion (Iron); Unaging; Unusual Biochemistry; Vulnerability (Iron x2).
Skills: Brawling-16; Observation-14; Stealth-16; Wrestling-16.
Notes: Spriggan rarely have magic of their own, often relying on other fae for that. Those that do have magic usually use it to increase their already potent combat abilities. They rarely exceed TL 1 and are a mostly primitive species, those who live in cities (a rarity) have the campaign’s TL. If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check from GURPS Horror, (p. 139), Spriggan have a modifier of -2.
ST: 25 HP: 25 Speed: 7.00
DX: 14 Will: 12 Move: 7/17
IQ: 8 Per: 12 Weight: 800 lbs.
HT: 16 FP: 16 SM: +2
Dodge: 11 Parry: 12 DR: 6 (Tough Skin)
Claws (16): 2d+3 crushing. Reach C.
Bite (16): 2d+3 cutting. Reach C.
Improvised Club (9): Based on Damage 2d+2/5d-1.
Improvised Weapon (9): 5d+3 crushing. Reach 1-2, 2-3. Parry 0U.
Traits: As for normal-size spriggan, plus Enhanced Move 1.5 (Ground) (Size Modifier, +2).
Skills: As for normal-size spriggan.
Notes: As for normal-size spriggan, but the intrinsic Fright Check is -4, not -2.
*Use the rules for True Faith.
For Dungeon Fantasy…
ST: 12 HP: 14 Speed: 7.00
DX: 14 Will: 12 Move: 7
IQ: 8 Per: 12 Weight: 80 lbs.
HT: 16 FP: 16 SM: -1
Dodge: 11 Parry: 12 DR: 2 (Tough Skin)
Fright Check: -2
Claws (16): 1d-1 crushing. Reach C.
Bite (16): 1d-1 cutting. Reach C.
Improvised Weapon (9): Based on Damage 1d-1/1d+2.
Traits: Appearance (Monstrous); Bad Temper (12);Bloodlust (12); Callous;Can Be Turned Using True Name*; Combat Reflexes; Divine Curse (Can be bound using True Name); Divine Curse (If asked something three times they must make sure it’s true/comes to pass); Divine Curse (Keep to the letter of any promise); Dread (Iron); Dread (Uttering their True Name aloud); Frightens Animals;Growth 3 (Can Carry Objects, Heavy; Maximum Size Only, SM +2); Hidebound; High Pain Threshold; Odious Personal Habit (Capricious); Odious Personal Habit (Eats sapients); Reduced Consumption 2 (Cast-Iron Stomach); Regeneration (Fast; Bane, Iron); Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+3); Revulsion (Iron); Unaging; Unusual Biochemistry; Vulnerability (Iron x2).
Skills: Brawling-16; Observation-14; Stealth-16; Wrestling-16.
Class: Faerie.
Notes: Spriggan rarely have magic of their own, often relying on other fae for that. Those that do have magic usually use it to increase their already potent combat abilities. They rarely exceed TL 1 and are a mostly primitive species, those who live in cities (a rarity) have the campaign’s TL.
ST: 25 HP: 25 Speed: 7.00
DX: 14 Will: 12 Move: 7/17
IQ: 8 Per: 12 Weight: 800 lbs.
HT: 16 FP: 16 SM: +2
Dodge: 11 Parry: 12 DR: 6 (Tough Skin)
Fright Check: -4
Claws (16): 2d+3 crushing. Reach C.
Bite (16): 2d+3 cutting. Reach C.
Improvised Club (9): Based on Damage 2d+2/5d-1.
Improvised Weapon (9): 5d+3 crushing. Reach 1-2, 2-3. Parry 0U.
Traits: As for normal-size spriggan, plus Enhanced Move 1.5 (Ground) (Size Modifier, +2).
Skills: As for normal-size spriggan.
Class: Faerie.
Notes: As for normal-size spriggan.
*Use the rules for True Faith.
For Monster Hunters…
ST: 12 HP: 14 Speed: 7.00
DX: 14 Will: 12 Move: 7
IQ: 8 Per: 12 Weight: 80 lbs.
HT: 16 FP: 16 SM: -1
Dodge: 11 Parry: 12 DR: 2 (Tough Skin)
Fright Check: -2
Claws (16): 1d-1 crushing. Reach C.
Bite (16): 1d-1 cutting. Reach C.
Improvised Weapon (9): Based on Damage 1d-1/1d+2.
Traits: Acute Hearing 3; Appearance (Monstrous); Bad Temper (12); Bloodlust (12); Callous; Combat Reflexes; Dread (Iron; Can be trapped only; Insensitive); Extended Hearing (Low); Frightens Animals; Growth 3 (Can Carry Objects, Heavy; Maximum Size Only, SM +2); High Pain Threshold; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse; Not against iron attacks); Intolerance (Religious or holy people and places); Jumper (Spirit; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP; Limited Access, Faerie; Special Movement, Must be able to walk; Special Portal, Any reflective surface; Tunnel, Takes Extra Time 5); Language (Tuath; Native); Magery 0; Odious Personal Habit (Eating people); Reduced Consumption 2 (Cast-Iron Stomach); Regeneration (Fast; Bane, Iron); Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+3); Ultrahearing.
Skills: Brawling-16; Observation-14; Stealth-16; Wrestling-16.
Notes: Spriggan rarely have magic of their own, often relying on other fae for that. Those that do have magic usually use it to increase their already potent combat abilities. They rarely exceed TL 1 and are a mostly primitive species, those who live in cities (a rarity) have the campaign’s TL. Affected by Path of Spirit (instead of Body/Mind) magic; Always scars from wounds inflicted by iron; Can be turned using True Name (use the rules for True Faith); Sterile. Use the skills listed under Free-Willed Spirits in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). One spriggan is a fair fight for two to three champions without iron weapons or one spriggan for one champion with iron weapons.
ST: 25 HP: 25 Speed: 7.00
DX: 14 Will: 12 Move: 7/17
IQ: 8 Per: 12 Weight: 800 lbs.
HT: 16 FP: 16 SM: +2
Dodge: 11 Parry: 12 DR: 6 (Tough Skin)
Fright Check: -4
Claws (16): 2d+3 crushing. Reach C.
Bite (16): 2d+3 cutting. Reach C.
Improvised Club (9): Based on Damage 2d+2/5d-1.
Improvised Weapon (9): 5d+3 crushing. Reach 1-2, 2-3. Parry 0U.
Traits: As for normal-size spriggan, plus Enhanced Move 1.5 (Ground) (Size Modifier, +2).
Skills: As for normal-size spriggan.
Notes: As for normal-size spriggan.