Triple Threat: The Devil’s Tongue and Clacker Zombies

The devil’s tongue plant (also called a konjakk) is a large broad-leaf plant whose stamen is a dark red; almost brown the color of dried blood. Its base forms a cone-like structure that can reach up to six feet across and is of a similar color. Konjakk is highly avoided because of one of its odder behaviors. On its own, it’s not that dangerous and animals that eat it walk away with little more than stomach pains.

When ingested by a sapient (IQ 6+) being (who often mistake it for the very similar to gonyakk plant – a common food staple) it causes a fever that quickly kills its host if not treated. From the body spreads forth a plant that grows with astonishing speed (it can reach full growth in just under ten days!) and once fully grown begins harvesting the local area of all animal life using its slow ambling shamble. Unlike the typical devil’s tongue, this walking plant possesses a rudimentary intelligence and an even more powerful weapon: its pollen. Those who inhale the pollen of the devil’s tongue suffers scratchgut (use the rules for sewer rot, but if the subject dies they rise as a clacker or spawn a Devil’s Tongue Plant) and also temporarily suffer IQ loss. If the subject reaches IQ 0 or dies, he’ll rise again as a clacker in mere minutes.

The Devil’s Tongue Plant looks much like the non-ambulatory variety, except for its darker coloration, shifting maze of root-tendrils and the bulb-like mouths on some of them open and close, snapping ominously.


For Any Game

The Devil’s Tongue Plant
ST: 14                            HP: 18                                               Speed: 5.00
DX: 12                           Will: 12                                             Move: 5
IQ: 6                               Per: 12                                               Weight: 200 lbs.
HT: 12                           FP: 12                                                SM: +1
Dodge: 10                     Parry: 10                                         DR: 4/8*

Feast (14): 1d-1 cutting. Reach C, 1.
Pollen Cloud (–): Once activated this effect lasts for a minute and all those who are caught within its radius (8 yards) must make a roll against the lower or HT or Will per second. Failure means you suffer a penalty to your IQ equal to half your margin of failure. This is cumulative! Every 1d seconds spent within the cloud gives a cumulative -1 to rolls (up to -5 total after 5d seconds). Holding your breath does not make you immune to this effect, but having the Sealed (p. B00) advantage does! If the target reaches IQ 0 he begins losing HP at a rate of 1 per hour; if he dies then the infection takes root and he becomes a clacker!
Rooting Strike (14): 1d impaling. Reach C, 1. Success means the clacker can feast as free action on later turns!

Traits:  Combat Reflexes; Discriminatory Smell; Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen Absorption); Doesn’t Sleep; Extra Attack 3; High Pain Threshold; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous, No Blood, No Eyes); Magic Resistance 3 (Not against Necromantic magic); Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+3); Resistant to Mind-Affecting Effects (+3); Unfazeable; Vibration Sense (Air).
Skills: Brawling-14; Camouflage-13; Stealth-14.
Notes: Despite its low IQ it can reason capably and due to its personality and nature its considered evil. If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check from GURPS Horror (p. 139), the devil’s tongue have a modifier of -2.
* Use the higher value against crushing attacks.


ST: 14                            HP: 18                                               Speed: 6.00
DX: 12                           Will: 8                                                Move: 4/6
IQ: 8                               Per: 8                                                  Weight: 150 lbs.
HT: 12                           FP: N/A                                             SM: 0
Dodge: 9                       Parry: 10                                           DR: 4

Bite (14): 1d cutting. Reach C. Success means the clacker can tongue stab as free action on later turns!
Claw (14): 1d cutting. Reach C.
Grapple (14 or 16): No damage, but later turns can tongue stab as a free action.
Tongue Stab (14): 1d+1 impaling. Reach C, 1.

Traits: Appearance (Monstrous); Automaton; Bad Smell; Berserk (12) (Enraged); Bad Sight (Nearsighted); Cannot Learn; Cannot Speak; Clinging (Move 3/4); Combat Reflexes; Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen Absorption); Doesn’t Sleep; Enhanced Move 0.5 (Ground) (Recharge, 1d seconds); Fanaticism (Protect progenitor plant); Fragile (Brittle); High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Disease; Immunity to Mind Control; Immunity to Poison; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (No Blood; No Eyes; Unliving); No Sense of Smell/Taste; Restricted Diet (Fresh Meat); Scanning Sense (Sonar; 20 yards; Temporary Disadvantage, Noisy 3); Single-Minded; Temperature Tolerance 10; Unfazeable; Unhealing (Total).
Skills: Brawling-14; Climbing-14; Stealth-14; Wrestling-14.
Notes: Not affected by True Faith! Not actually undead despite the fact that it looks and is a walking corpse as it’s animated by the growing devil’s tongue scions within its flesh. If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check from GURPS Horror (p. 139), therasal have a modifier of -0.


For Dungeon Fantasy

The Devil’s Tongue Plant
ST: 14                            HP: 18                                               Speed: 5.00
DX: 12                           Will: 12                                             Move: 5
IQ: 6                               Per: 12                                               Weight: 200 lbs.
HT: 12                           FP: 12                                                SM: +1
Dodge: 10                     Parry: 10                                         DR: 4/8*

Feast (14): 1d-1 cutting. Reach C, 1.
Pollen Cloud (–): Once activated this effect lasts for a minute and all those who are caught within its radius (8 yards) must make a roll against the lower or HT or Will per second. Failure means you suffer a penalty to your IQ equal to half your margin of failure. This is cumulative! Every 1d seconds spent within the cloud gives a cumulative -1 to rolls (up to -5 total after 5d seconds). Holding your breath does not make you immune to this effect, but having the Sealed (p. B00) advantage does! If the target reaches IQ 0 he begins losing HP at a rate of 1 per hour; if he dies then the infection takes root and he becomes a clacker!
Rooting Strike (14): 1d impaling. Reach C, 1. Success means the clacker can feast as free action on later turns!

Traits:  Combat Reflexes; Discriminatory Smell; Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen Absorption); Doesn’t Sleep; Extra Attack 3; High Pain Threshold; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous, No Blood, No Eyes); Magic Resistance 3 (Not against Necromantic magic); Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+3); Resistant to Mind-Affecting Effects (+3); Unfazeable; Vibration Sense (Air).
Skills: Brawling-14; Camouflage-13; Stealth-14.
Class: Plant.
Combat Effectiveness Rating: 0 (OR 0 and PR 0).
Notes: Despite its low IQ it can reason capably and due to its personality and nature its considered evil. It’s pollen can yield a Foolishness Potion ($900 per potion, lowers IQ by -3 per dose up to -12 IQ total).
* Use the higher value against crushing attacks.


ST: 14                            HP: 18                                               Speed: 6.00
DX: 12                           Will: 8                                                Move: 4/6
IQ: 8                               Per: 8                                                  Weight: 150 lbs.
HT: 12                           FP: N/A                                             SM: 0
Dodge: 9                       Parry: 10                                           DR: 4

Bite (14): 1d cutting. Reach C. Success means the clacker can tongue stab as free action on later turns!
Claw (14): 1d cutting. Reach C.
Grapple (14 or 16): No damage, but later turns can tongue stab as a free action.
Tongue Stab (14): 1d+1 impaling. Reach C, 1.

Traits: Appearance (Monstrous); Automaton; Bad Smell; Berserk (12) (Enraged); Bad Sight (Nearsighted); Cannot Learn; Cannot Speak; Clinging (Move 3/4); Combat Reflexes; Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen Absorption); Doesn’t Sleep; Enhanced Move 0.5 (Ground) (Recharge, 1d seconds); Fanaticism (Protect progenitor plant); Fragile (Brittle); High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Disease; Immunity to Mind Control; Immunity to Poison; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (No Blood; No Eyes; Unliving); No Sense of Smell/Taste; Restricted Diet (Fresh Meat); Scanning Sense (Sonar; 20 yards; Temporary Disadvantage, Noisy 3); Single-Minded; Temperature Tolerance 10; Unfazeable; Unhealing (Total).
Skills: Brawling-14; Climbing-14; Stealth-14; Wrestling-14.
Class: Plant.
Combat Effectiveness Rating: 0 (OR 0 and PR 0).
Notes: Not affected by True Faith! Not actually undead despite the fact that it looks and is a walking corpse as it’s animated by the growing devil’s tongue scions within its flesh.



For Dungeon Fantasy

The Devil’s Tongue Plant
ST: 14                            HP: 18                                               Speed: 5.00
DX: 12                           Will: 12                                             Move: 5
IQ: 6                               Per: 12                                               Weight: 200 lbs.
HT: 12                           FP: 12                                                SM: +1
Dodge: 10                     Parry: 10                                         DR: 4/8*

Fright Check: +1

Feast (14): 1d-1 cutting. Reach C, 1.
Pollen Cloud (–): Once activated this effect lasts for a minute and all those who are caught within its radius (8 yards) must make a roll against the lower or HT or Will per second. Failure means you suffer a penalty to your IQ equal to half your margin of failure. This is cumulative! Every 1d seconds spent within the cloud gives a cumulative -1 to rolls (up to -5 total after 5d seconds). Holding your breath does not make you immune to this effect, but having the Sealed (p. B00) advantage does! If the target reaches IQ 0 he begins losing HP at a rate of 1 per hour; if he dies then the infection takes root and he becomes a clacker!
Rooting Strike (14): 1d impaling. Reach C, 1. Success means the clacker can feast as free action on later turns!

Traits:  Combat Reflexes; Discriminatory Smell; Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen Absorption); Doesn’t Sleep; Extra Attack 3; High Pain Threshold; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous, No Blood, No Eyes); Magic Resistance 3 (Not against Necromantic magic); Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+3); Resistant to Mind-Affecting Effects (+3); Unfazeable; Vibration Sense (Air).
Skills: Brawling-14; Camouflage-13; Stealth-14.
Notes: Despite its low IQ it can reason capably and due to its personality and nature its considered evil. Use the skills listed under Cryptids in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). Two to three devil’s tongue plants are a fair fight for one champion.
* Use the higher value against crushing attacks.


ST: 14                            HP: 18                                               Speed: 6.00
DX: 12                           Will: 8                                                Move: 4/6
IQ: 8                               Per: 8                                                  Weight: 150 lbs.
HT: 12                           FP: N/A                                             SM: 0
Dodge: 9                       Parry: 10                                           DR: 4

Fright Check: +3

Bite (14): 1d cutting. Reach C. Success means the clacker can tongue stab as free action on later turns!
Claw (14): 1d cutting. Reach C.
Grapple (14 or 16): No damage, but later turns can tongue stab as a free action.
Tongue Stab (14): 1d+1 impaling. Reach C, 1.

Traits: Appearance (Monstrous); Automaton; Bad Smell; Berserk (12) (Enraged); Bad Sight (Nearsighted); Cannot Learn; Cannot Speak; Clinging (Move 3/4); Combat Reflexes; Doesn’t Breathe (Oxygen Absorption); Doesn’t Sleep; Enhanced Move 0.5 (Ground) (Recharge, 1d seconds); Fanaticism (Protect progenitor plant); Fragile (Brittle); High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Disease; Immunity to Mind Control; Immunity to Poison; Indomitable; Injury Tolerance (No Blood; No Eyes; Unliving); No Sense of Smell/Taste; Restricted Diet (Fresh Meat); Scanning Sense (Sonar; 20 yards; Temporary Disadvantage, Noisy 3); Single-Minded; Temperature Tolerance 10; Unfazeable; Unhealing (Total).
Skills: Brawling-14; Climbing-14; Stealth-14; Wrestling-14.
Notes: Not affected by True Faith! Not actually undead despite the fact that it looks and is a walking corpse as it’s animated by the growing devil’s tongue scions within its flesh.  Use the skills listed under Cryptids in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). A half dozen clackers are a fair fight for one champion.

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