Tooth Fairy
Zahnfee, hammaspeikko, petite souris, ratoncito pérez, and many more and too numerous to list are all names for one creature: the tooth fairy. In the last century this dangerous creature has been whitewashed and made “acceptable” for children. Most zahnfee (the typical name others call them) are creatures out of a nightmare resembling a large rat with a too small head, too big jaws, tattered looking insectile wings, a thin emaciated body, and spindly arms and legs that end in razor-like chitinous claws. Their diet consists almost solely of bones and other calcium rich flesh and have acidic saliva, blood, etc. Additionally, if they aren’t any nearby prey they can hibernate for decades at a time when they don’t have a proper food source. The strength of their bite is out of proportion to their size and while one zahnfee might be dangerous to a child or surprised adult, they like to swarm their targets. They are distantly related to pixies – though the pixies would never claim them. There are rumors of a renegade faction of zahnfee who are less brutal and more intelligent than their kin. They are said to restrain their ravenous hunger by eating only the dead or what others willfully offer them and many cryptozoologists believe that they may be responsible for the stories that resulted in the tooth fairy’s image changing in the 20thcentury.
For Any Campaign…
ST: 6 HP: 8 Speed: 6.00
DX: 12 Will: 12 Move: 6 (Air Move 12)
IQ: 7 Per: 12 Weight: 10 lbs.
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: -5
Dodge: 10 Parry: 10 DR: 1 (Tough Skin)
Acidic Blood (-): 1d-3 corrosion (three 1-second cycles) + linked 2d+2 corrosion. The linked attack doesn’t actually inflict any damage. Instead, roll dice normally and count all corrosion damage for the purposes of how much DR is lost. The tooth fairy must first have suffered any cutting, impaling, or piercing injury. They automatically bleed on weapons that wound them – or their foe, if attacked with Claws, Teeth, etc. – which immediately begins to corrode. Until he stops bleeding (see Bleeding, p. B420), the acid drips on everything nearby. The tooth fairy may intentionally inflict damage on themselves (they often bite their tongues so they can bleed on targets when they bite them) to activate this ability.
Bite (14): 1d(3) impaling. Reach C. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part.
Claw (14): 1d-3 cutting. Reach C. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part.
Traits: Appearance (Monstrous); Bad Temper (12); Can Be Turned Using True Name*; Combat Reflexes; Dark Vision; Divine Curse (Can be bound using True Name); Divine Curse (If asked something three times they must make sure it’s true/comes to pass); Divine Curse (Keep to the letter of any promise); Dread (Iron); Dread (Uttering their True Name aloud); Hidebound;
High Pain Threshold; Increased Consumption 1; Invisibility (Can Carry Objects, None, +10%; Glamour, Will-5, -5%; Substantial Only, -10%; Switchable, +10%); Jumper (Spirit; Costs Fatigue, 5 FP, -50%; Limited Access, Underhill, -20%; Special Movement, must be able to walk, -10%; Special Portal, any reflective surface, -20%; Tunnel (Takes Extra Time 5, -50%), +20%); Lifting ST+4 (Bite only); Low Empathy; Metabolism Control 5 (Hibernation); Odious Personal Habit (Capricious); Odious Personal Habit (Eating people); Reduced Consumption 2 (Cast-Iron Stomach); Regeneration (Slow; Bane, Iron); Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+3); Restricted Diet (Calcium-rich flesh); Revulsion (Iron); Sadism (12); Sealed (Acid Resistant); Silence 4; Striking ST+4 (Bite only); Temperature Tolerance 4; Unaging; Unusual Biochemistry; Temperature Tolerance 4.
Skills: Brawling-14; Stealth-14; Wrestling-14.
Notes: Reproduces by laying eggs in bones, teeth, etc. – usually of corpses or skeletons…but not always. Mating season induces a frenzy (treat them as being Berserk without a self-control modifier) and often swarms of bone-eating little monsters. If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check from GURPS Horror (p. 139), Tooth Fairies have a modifier of -1.
(Tooth Fairy Swarm)
ST: 6 HP: 48 Speed: 6.00
DX: 12 Will: 12 Move: 6 (Air Move 12)
IQ: 7 Per: 12 Weight: 10 lbs.
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: -5
Dodge: 10 Parry: 10 DR: 1 (Tough Skin)
Acidic Blood (-):As for Tooth Fairy but roll once; an additional attack hits per point of margin by which they succeed.
Bite (14): As for Tooth Fairy but roll once; an additional attack hits per point of margin by which they succeed.
Claw (14): As for Tooth Fairy but roll once; an additional attack hits per point of margin by which they succeed.
Traits: As for Tooth Fairy.
Skills: As for Tooth Fairy.
Notes: As for Tooth Fairy. Composed of 3 to 18 creatures, average of 10 to 11 (roll 3d). If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check from GURPS Horror (p. 139), Tooth Fairy swarms have a modifier of -6.
For Dungeon Fantasy…
ST: 6 HP: 8 Speed: 6.00
DX: 12 Will: 12 Move: 6 (Air Move 12)
IQ: 7 Per: 12 Weight: 10 lbs.
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: -5
Dodge: 10 Parry: 10 DR: 1 (Tough Skin)
Acidic Blood (-): 1d-3 corrosion (three 1-second cycles) + linked 2d+2 corrosion. The linked attack doesn’t actually inflict any damage. Instead, roll dice normally and count all corrosion damage for the purposes of how much DR is lost. The tooth fairy must first have suffered any cutting, impaling, or piercing injury. They automatically bleed on weapons that wound them – or their foe, if attacked with Claws, Teeth, etc. – which immediately begins to corrode. Until he stops bleeding (see Bleeding, p. B420), the acid drips on everything nearby. The tooth fairy may intentionally inflict damage on themselves (they often bite their tongues so they can bleed on targets when they bite them) to activate this ability.
Bite (14): 1d(3) impaling. Reach C. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part.
Claw (14): 1d-3 cutting. Reach C. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part.
Traits: Appearance (Monstrous); Bad Temper (12); Can Be Turned Using True Name*; Combat Reflexes; Dark Vision; Divine Curse (Can be bound using True Name); Divine Curse (If asked something three times they must make sure it’s true/comes to pass); Divine Curse (Keep to the letter of any promise); Dread (Iron); Dread (Uttering their True Name aloud); Hidebound;
High Pain Threshold; Increased Consumption 1; Invisibility (Can Carry Objects, None, +10%; Glamour, Will-5, -5%; Substantial Only, -10%; Switchable, +10%); Jumper (Spirit; Costs Fatigue, 5 FP, -50%; Limited Access, Underhill, -20%; Special Movement, must be able to walk, -10%; Special Portal, any reflective surface, -20%; Tunnel (Takes Extra Time 5, -50%), +20%); Lifting ST+4 (Bite only); Low Empathy; Metabolism Control 5 (Hibernation); Odious Personal Habit (Capricious); Odious Personal Habit (Eating people); Reduced Consumption 2 (Cast-Iron Stomach); Regeneration (Slow; Bane, Iron); Resistant to Metabolic Hazards (+3); Restricted Diet (Calcium-rich flesh); Revulsion (Iron); Sadism (12); Sealed (Acid Resistant); Silence 4; Striking ST+4 (Bite only); Temperature Tolerance 4; Unaging; Unusual Biochemistry; Temperature Tolerance 4.
Skills: Brawling-14; Stealth-14; Wrestling-14.
Classification: Faerie.
Notes: Reproduces by laying eggs in bones, teeth, etc. – usually of corpses or skeletons…but not always. Mating season induces a frenzy (treat them as being Berserk without a self-control modifier) and often swarms of bone-eating little monsters. Tooth fairy blood, bile, etc. can be harvested – each 1d fairies yields one vial of Alkahest with a Alchemy roll.
(Tooth Fairy Swarm)
ST: 6 HP: 48 Speed: 6.00
DX: 12 Will: 12 Move: 6 (Air Move 12)
IQ: 7 Per: 12 Weight: 10 lbs.
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: -5
Dodge: 10 Parry: 10 DR: 1 (Tough Skin)
Acidic Blood (-):As for Tooth Fairy but roll once; an additional attack hits per point of margin by which they succeed.
Bite (14): As for Tooth Fairy but roll once; an additional attack hits per point of margin by which they succeed.
Claw (14): As for Tooth Fairy but roll once; an additional attack hits per point of margin by which they succeed.
Traits: As for Tooth Fairy.
Skills: As for Tooth Fairy.
Notes: As for Tooth Fairy. Composed of 3 to 18 creatures, average of 10 to 11 (roll 3d).
For Monster Hunters…
ST: 6 HP: 8 Speed: 6.00
DX: 12 Will: 12 Move: 6 (Air Move 12)
IQ: 7 Per: 12 Weight: 10 lbs.
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: -5
Dodge: 10 Parry: 10 DR: 1 (Tough Skin)
Fright Check: -1
Acidic Blood (-): 1d-3 corrosion (three 1-second cycles) + linked 2d+2 corrosion. The linked attack doesn’t actually inflict any damage. Instead, roll dice normally and count all corrosion damage for the purposes of how much DR is lost. The tooth fairy must first have suffered any cutting, impaling, or piercing injury. They automatically bleed on weapons that wound them – or their foe, if attacked with Claws, Teeth, etc. – which immediately begins to corrode. Until he stops bleeding (see Bleeding, p. B420), the acid drips on everything nearby. The tooth fairy may intentionally inflict damage on themselves (they often bite their tongues so they can bleed on targets when they bite them) to activate this ability.
Bite (16): 1d(3) impaling. Reach C. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part.
Claw (16): 1d-3 cutting. Reach C. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part.
Traits: Acute Hearing 3; Appearance (Monstrous); Bad Temper (12); Combat Reflexes; Dark Vision; Dread (Iron; Can be trapped only; Insensitive); Extended Hearing (Low); High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Increased Consumption 1; Intolerance (Religious or holy people and places); Language (Tuath; Native); Lifting ST+4 (Bite only); Low Empathy; Magery 0; Metabolism Control 5 (Hibernation); Odious Personal Habit (Eating people); Reduced Consumption 2 (Cast-Iron Stomach); Regeneration (Slow; Bane, Iron); Restricted Diet (Calcium-rich flesh); Sadism (12); Sealed (Acid Resistant); Silence 4; Striking ST+4 (Bite only); Temperature Tolerance 4; Ultrahearing; Temperature Tolerance 4.
Skills: Brawling-16; Stealth-16; Wrestling-16.
Notes: Reproduces by laying eggs in bones, teeth, etc. – usually of corpses or skeletons…but not always. Mating season induces a frenzy (treat them as being Berserk without a self-control modifier) and often swarms of bone-eating little monsters. Affected by Path of Spirit (instead of Body/Mind) magic; Always scars from wounds inflicted by iron; Can be turned using True Name (use the rules for True Faith); Native DR does not protect against iron weapons or attacks; Sterile; Use the skills listed under Free-Willed Spirits in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). One tooth fairy swarm is a fair fight for one to two champions without iron weapons or for two to three without iron weapons. A single tooth fairy does not pose much of a risk for even a junior hunter.
(Tooth Fairy Swarm)
ST: 6 HP: 48 Speed: 6.00
DX: 12 Will: 12 Move: 6 (Air Move 12)
IQ: 7 Per: 12 Weight: 10 lbs.
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: -5
Dodge: 10 Parry: 10 DR: 1 (Tough Skin)
Fright Check: -6
Acidic Blood (-):As for Tooth Fairy but roll once; an additional attack hits per point of margin by which they succeed.
Bite (14): As for Tooth Fairy but roll once; an additional attack hits per point of margin by which they succeed.
Claw (14): As for Tooth Fairy but roll once; an additional attack hits per point of margin by which they succeed.
Traits: As for Tooth Fairy.
Skills: As for Tooth Fairy.
Notes: As for Tooth Fairy. Composed of 3 to 18 creatures, average of 10 to 11 (roll 3d).
Great post! I loved these beasts!
I'm going to have to try these out on my players soon, it may be time for another fae fight.
I feel sorry for them…
Actually, it might be neat to work through some of these and label them by type, ex: fae, norse, demon, undead.