Boil and Bubble: Ritual Path Magic – More New Casting Talents I

Here are a few new casting talents for Ritual Path Magic – mostly culled from my own campaigns.

Arcane Attorney

5 points/level

Fast-Talk, Law, Path of Chance, Path of Spirit, and Public Speaking.

Reaction Bonus: None! This is a casting talent.

Alternative Benefit: Treat your Thaumatology and any Path skills as one level higher per level of this talent as long as it’s related to making oaths, dealing with laws, summoning beings, and so on.

Alternative Cost: 5 points/level.

Notes: None.


Battle Caster

5 points/level

Leadership, Path of Body, Path of Energy, Innate Attack, and Tactics.

Reaction Bonus: None! This is a casting talent.

Alternative Benefit: Treat your Thaumatology and any Path skills as one level higher per level of this talent as long as it’s related to battle magic, leading others, slinging spells, etc.

Alternative Cost: 5 points/level.

Notes: None.



5 points/level

Fast-Talk, Gambling, Games, Mathematics, Sleight of Hand, and Path of Chance.

Reaction Bonus: None! This is a casting talent.

Alternative Benefit: +1/level on any roll that requires you to guess the outcome of an event. For example, this bonus would apply to Driving or Running rolls in a cold-start race, Fast-Draw rolls for “high-non” duels, and so on.

Alternative Cost: 6 points/level.

Notes: None.



5 points/level

Expert Skill (Hydrology or Oceanography), Meteorology, Naturalist, Path of Chance, Path of Energy, Path of Matter.

Reaction Bonus: None! This is a casting talent.

Alternative Benefit: Treat your Thaumatology and any Path skills as one level higher per level of this talent as long as it’s related to changing weather, sensing tomorrow’s forecast, and so on.

Alternative Cost: 6 points/level.

Notes: None.


Picking Over the Bones

One of the coolest things from Pyramid #3/66: The Laws of Magic was PK’s Casting Talents from his article “Ritual Specialists.” Casting talents allowed the creation for specialized casters who were really good at one thing without being the typical omnicompetent RPM caster. I’ve used them in my campaigns since before the magazine came out and I really enjoy the flavor they can bring to a given caster.

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