Boil and Bubble: Ritual Path Magic Weather Spells

My grimoire from my Ceteriverse campaign is…large. I figured I’d share a few spells from it for others to use. Here are some weather spells I’ve converted to regular RPM from my specific RPM derivative in the campaign. Enjoy.

Cold Snap

Spell Effects: Lesser Control Energy x2.
Inherent Modifiers: Area of Effect + Damage, External Burning (No Incendiary).
Greater Effects Multiplier: 0 (x1).

This spell drops the temperature in the area radically, causing plants, animals, and others exposed to it immediately take 1d-1 points of burning damage (which cannot start fires) if they cannot make a HT or HT-based Survival (Arctic) roll. Those remaining out in the bad weather take another 2 points of damage per 30 minutes which can be resisting by another roll (as above). This damage is similar to extreme frost bite (see Cold p. B430). These effects last for the next day

Typical Casting: Lesser Control Energy (5) + Area of Effect, 100 miles (60) + Damage, External Burning* 15d (No Incendiary, -10%) (14) + Duration, 1 day (7). 86 energy (86×1).

* The duration part of this spell does not apply to this spell effect, only the temperature change aspect. Despite the massive amount of damage this causes, the fact that it doesn’t do more than 2 points of damage at time and over a extended period makes it a Lesser effect.

Control Clouds

Spell Effects: Lesser Control Energy.
Inherent Modifiers: Area of Effect.
Greater Effects Multiplier: 0 (x1).

This spell allows a caster to cause already existing clouds within 500 yards of him to move up to 10 yards/second in whatever direction he chooses. This might let him “bunch” them up, or create a fog by moving them toward the ground! Particularly artistic casters can even mold them into writing, shapes, etc. with the better of their Path skill or an appropriate Artist skill.

Typical Casting: Lesser Control Energy (5) + Area of Effect, 500 yards (28) + Duration, 1 hour (3) + Speed, 10 yards (4). 40 energy (40x1).

Control Wind

Spell Effects: Lesser Control Energy.
Inherent Modifiers: Area of Effect + Bestows a Bonus, Weather rolls + Bestows a Penalty, Weather rolls.
Greater Effects Multiplier: 0 (x1).

This spell allows the caster to create a wind up to 20 mph in still air or increase one by 20 mph within 100 yards of him. This gives a ±2 on rolls the GM thinks would benefit from a strong wind. These effects persist for 1 hour.

Typical Casting: Lesser Control Energy (5) + Area of Effect, 100 yards (20) + Bestows a Bonus, +2 on Weather rolls (4) + Bestows a Penalty, -2 on Weather rolls (4) + Duration, 1 hour (3) + Speed, 10 yards/second (4). 40 energy (40x1).


Spell Effects: Greater Create Matter x2.
Inherent Modifiers: Affliction, Slower Move + Area of Effect + Bestow Penalty, all rolls that could be penalized from deep snow/blizzard.
Greater Effects Multiplier: 2 (x5).

This spell conjures a brutal snowstorm over a one-mile area (centered on the caster) that gives a -3 to any roll the GM feels would be penalized by having to deal with deep snow or a raging blizzard. Anyone traveling through the area also has all their movement rates halved unless they have Terrain Adaptation or similar trait. It lasts

Typical Casting: Greater Create Matter (6) + Greater Create Matter (6) + Area of Effect, 1 mile (36) + Affliction, Slower Move (x0.2) (10) + Bestow Penalty, -3 to rolls that could be penalized from deep snow/blizzard (20) + Duration, 12 hours (6). 420 energy (84x5).

Time and Tide

Spell Effects: Lesser Control Matter x3.
Inherent Modifiers: Area of Effect + Bestows a Bonus, Tidal rolls + Bestows a Penalty, Tidal rolls.
Greater Effects Multiplier: 0 (x1).

This spell gives the caster control over the tidal influx in an area of up to 1,000 yards (about the average size of a beach “strip”). He can then slow or speed up the velocity of the waves by up to 40 mph or cause a high or low tide in the area. Additionally, this gives a ±3 to appropriate rolls to those in the affected area. For example, this spell may aid a lifeguard’s rescue rolls by helping him get to his target faster or a cause a dangerous riptide giving a -3 to Swimming rolls in the area. These effects last for the next hour.

Typical Casting: Lesser Control Matter (5) + Lesser Control Matter (5) + Lesser Control Matter (5) + Area of Effect, 1,000 yards (32) + Bestows a Bonus, +3 on Weather rolls (8) + Bestows a Penalty, -3 on Tidal rolls (8) + Duration, 1 hour (3) + Speed, 20 yards/second (6). 72 energy (72x1).

Picking Over the Bones

I rather enjoy making spells using Ritual Path Magic. There is a symmetry and proper order to them that many of the other GURPS system’s magical spells just lack. Maybe it’s how you build them, maybe it’s how they are cast, whatever it is the properness of a spell can be both seen and felt when you finish writing it up and that’s very satisfying. These spells are specifically from my weatherworking magical style (and there are more, but here’s four to begin with). Thoughts? Do you use weather magic in your games with RPM or stay away from it? You’ll notice I didn’t use Path of Chance on any of these but rather split it to either Path of Energy or Path of Matter. Why? Because it feels better than just manipulating both systems via Path of Chance. I’m sure they could be combined in other ways, but then I’d also increase the use of Greater effects.

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