A couple of new cybernetic implants for GURPS Ultra-Tech.
DRone Operation imPlant (TL9)
Prerequisites: Wireless Neural Interface Implant.
The “dropper implant” (dropper is slang for “drone operator”), allows a cyborg to wirelessly control drones with his mind alone. This functions identically to Possession (p. B77) with Telecontrol, but only works on robots with the drone meta-trait. Type 2 implants allow the dropper to be aware of what’s going on in both his flesh and blood body and the drone(s) he is currently controlling. Type 3 and above implants allow an additional drone to be controlled equal to (level – 2) allowing a single dropper to operate in multiple places at the same time.
Type 1 and 2 implants have no special requires, but Type 3 implants require Will 12 to have, Type 4 requires Will 14, Type 5 requires Will 16, Type 6 requires Will 18, and Type 7 (the highest possible) requires Will 20.
Statistics: Possession (Full Memory Access, +10%; Specialized, Interface-ready drones only, -60%; Temporary Disadvantage, Electrical, -20%; Telecontrol 1, +50%) [80]. Type 2 implants add Telecontrol 2, for +50 points. Type 3 or higher implants add Compartmentalized Mind (No Mental Separation, -20%; Limited, Only to operate drones, -40%) [20].
Availability: Radical Procedure (Major at TL11+). $40,000. LC4. Type 2 implants cost an additional $25,000. Each level after Type 2 adds a further $10,000/level. Type 3 or 4 implants are LC 3, Type 5 or more is LC 2.
Cyber-Tendril (TL9)
You have an extra flexible arm that you can use to manipulate objects. Decide where on your body this arm is located (above the shoulders, on the back, or attached to the hips is the most common). By default, this gives the cyborg an extra arm that is extra-flexible and has a Reach of 1. Multiple arms may be installed (up to six on a human frame). Additional arms increase the cost.
Statistics: Arm ST+2 (One arm; Temporary Disadvantages, Electrical, -20%, and Maintenance, 1 person, weekly, -5%) [5]; DR 2 (One arm, -40%) [6]; Extra Arm 1 (Extra-Flexible, +50%; Long, SM+1, +100%) [25]
Availability: Radical Procedure (Major at TL11+). $35,000. LC4.