A handful of new voodoo-themed spells for GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic. . . . . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: St. George’s Shield
This shield was used in the infamous battle between St. George and the infamous dragon… . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights – December 2022
Authorial Highlights GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: Thieves aka Marl Ankh-3 is in the hands of Steve Jackson Games. I think it is next up in the queue for editing. I have outlined a novel I want to finish in the first quarter of 2023. It’s the “Book One” of my NaNoWriMo novella. Projecting at […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Ritual Path Magic Voodoo Spells IV
A handful of new voodoo-themed spells for GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic. . . . . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: Van Dorian Industries UV-8 “Kite”
The Kite is a transport craft from my AEON campaign for ferrying about superheroes to where they are needed most….. . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingGURPS101: The Art of the Wild XXIV
Like the previous installments of this, this Patreon Special covers two new wildcard skills. . . . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights – November 2022
Authorial Highlights GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: Thieves aka Marl Ankh-3 is in the hands of Steve Jackson Games. I think it is next up in the queue for editing. I finished NaNoWriMo 2022 a day early. It is done. It came out okay. It is a lot of ground work for an actual novel […]
Continue readingA Thousand Tiny Gods C-Team: Season 1, Session 18 – This Is Just to Say
Dramatis Personae Ekaterini Tsakalidis aka The Lady of Laundry (played by Chepe): Godling of Hygieia and Minerva. Face-changing clothes-horse with history as a Mob assassin and crime-scene cover-up artist. Tagline: “Never let them see you sweat.” Tercallus aka Callum “Cal” Parker (played by Will): Theogenic Demigod. Thrill-seeking, jaded, time-warping high stakes gambler coalesced into existence […]
Continue readingA Thousand Tiny Gods C-Team: Season 1, Session 17 – Fine Young Cannibals
Dramatis Personae Ekaterini Tsakalidis aka The Lady of Laundry (played by Chepe): Godling of Hygieia and Minerva. Face-changing clothes-horse with history as a Mob assassin and crime-scene cover-up artist. Tagline: “Never let them see you sweat.” Tercallus aka Callum “Cal” Parker (played by Will): Theogenic Demigod. Thrill-seeking, jaded, time-warping high stakes gambler coalesced into existence […]
Continue readingGURPS101: The Art of the Wild XXIII
Like the previous installments of this, this Patreon Special covers two new wildcard skills. . . . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
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