Carpe Blogiem: Why GURPS?

In all the roleplaying games in all the world, you have to roleplay in mine… Someone asked me a while back: “Why GURPS?” Well, there are a couple of reasons I use GURPS pretty much exclusively, but let’s ignore me for a bit. Let’s assume that you’ve just stumbled onto my blog: “What is this GURPS thing you […]

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Gamemaster’s Guidepost: Shut up and Roll!

Player: “Okay, this is a -4 to my roll because of posture, another -2 for attacking a side hex…”GM: “Shouldn’t I be doing this?”Player: “Oh, I was just helping…okay, and another -4 to range…”GM: “No. Stop. Just roll.”Player: “But…but the modifiers.”GM: “I know the modifiers – you make the rolls.” Even in realistic GURPS games (of […]

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GURPS101: Leeches, Vampires, and Succubi (Oh, my!)

“Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make.”— Bram Stoker, Dracula (1897) The Leech advantage (GURPS Powers, p. 96) is the more generalized version of the Vampiric Bite advantage (p. B96) that appeared in the Basic Set. (Buckle your seatbelts up kiddies because this is a long post. Note I’m intentionally ignore the Vampiric Bite […]

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Gamemaster’s Guidepost: What Makes Dungeon Fantasy Special, Part II

Guest Post by +Antoni Ten Monrós Continued from his earlier post, Toni continues talking about what makes Dungeon Fantasy special. GURPS Characters are DiverseGURPS is not constrained by classes or level. Dungeon Fantasy has templates, but the biggest difference between templates and actual classes is that classes give define your character’s abilities, while templates give you suggestions […]

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