Carpe Blogiem: When Is a Dungeon Fantasy Campaign No Longer A Dungeon Fantasy Campaign?, Part II

Peter Dell’Orto talked a bit about how to not let your Dungeon Fantasy campaign become a fantasy campaign. It’s extremely well-written and if you want to avoid the situation that I describe in my first post then you should follow it to the letter. If not, read on. Many have used GURPS Dungeon Fantasy as a way to […]

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Carpe Blogiem: When Is a Dungeon Fantasy Campaign No Longer A Dungeon Fantasy Campaign?, Part I

Oddly enough, running Dungeon Fantasy demos are my local game store and my hacked-together version have given me a bit of insight into the series like nothing else ever has. At first, Aersalus was just supposed to be a straight-up Dungeon Fantasy campaign with all the normal rules and races and the beer and pretzel approach. […]

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The Hurt Locker: Drones and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Just a few decades ago, planes without a pilot were science fiction. Now they are everywhere.  Known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)  or “drones,” these aircraft can be easily bought in a store or online for a couple hundred dollars (well, the commercial versions, not the actual war machines). Yet they’ve also changed how we fight wars […]

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GURPS101: Will as HP

Over on the forums, Anders asked: A special type of undead are gastar, who consist entirely of psychic energy. This means that their HP = Will, and each time they get damaged they lose Will as well. And when they reach 0 they are destroyed. The second part is easily covered, but what about them […]

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