GURPS101: Cybernetic Distortion

  I got to thinking about cyberpsychosis and cyberpunk (since that’s popular again). Here is what I thought of. New Rule: Cybernetic Distortion All implanted cybernetics have a chance to cause issues in the form of nerve damage, overstimulation, and other neurological issues. This is Cybernetic Distortion. A disadvantage-like mechanic that balances the fact that […]

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GURPS101: More New Talents I

Here are a few new talents – mostly culled from my own campaigns.   Born to the Blade 10/level Broadsword, Fast-Draw (Knife, Sword, or Two-Handed Sword), Knife, Rapier, Saber, Shortsword, Smallsword, and Two-Handed Sword. Reaction Bonus: None! You’re natural adeptness with a blade is enough. Alternative Benefit: On the other hand, instead of a reaction […]

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