Blitz Barnacles are large (almost a half a foot in length) barnacle-like critters. They get their name from the fact that if they take damage they are liable to explode. Worse, stepping (or God help you, falling) on one causes a muscular contraction that shoots out several sea urchin-like spikes. They’re natural prey of the Walloping Welk.
For Any Game…
ST: 1 HP: 5 Speed: 5.00
DX: 10 Will: 10 Move: Special (see below)
IQ: 2 Per: 10 Weight: 60 lbs.
HT: 10 FP: 12 SM: -6
Dodge: n/a Parry: n/a DR: 6
Spines (12): 1d+3 impaling. Roll once per turn against each foe in your hex, as a free action. Roll at a -2 if your attacker is attacking you from below. Anyone who grapple or slams you are automatically hit, those who slam you take maximumdamage.
The “Blitz” (-):If a barnacle takes more than 5 HP of damage from a burning or explosive attack, suffers a major wound (2 HP of damage), or critically fails a HT roll, the barnacle explodes doing 3d [3d(0.5) burning] [1d+3 imp] crushing explosion incendiary.
Traits: Blindness; Cannot Speak; Deafness; Doesn’t Breathe (Gills); Easy to Kill 2; Fragile (Explosive; Flammable); Injury Tolerance (No Blood, No Brain; No Eyes; No Head; No Neck); Invertebrate; Long Spines (Active; Switchable); No Manipulators; Semi-Sessile*; Vibration Sense (Universal); Wild Animal.
Skills:Camouflage-14; Survival (Island/Beach)-13.
Classification: TBA.
Notes: Natural prey of the Walloping Welk. If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check GURPS Horror, (p. 139) Blitz Barnacles have a modifier of +4 (-1 if they explode or exude their spikes).
* As Sessile, but allows a Move of 1 per minute, which is considered “paced” running and therefore costs FP.
For Dungeon Fantasy…
ST: 1 HP: 5 Speed: 5.00
DX: 10 Will: 10 Move: Special (see below)
IQ: 2 Per: 10 Weight: 60 lbs.
HT: 10 FP: 12 SM: -6
Dodge: n/a Parry: n/a DR: 6
Spines (12): 1d+3 impaling. Roll once per turn against each foe in your hex, as a free action. Roll at a -2 if your attacker is attacking you from below. Anyone who grapple or slams you are automatically hit, those who slam you take maximumdamage.
The “Blitz” (-):If a barnacle takes more than 5 HP of damage from a burning or explosive attack, suffers a major wound (2 HP of damage), or critically fails a HT roll, the barnacle explodes doing 3d [3d(0.5) burning] [1d+3 imp] crushing explosion incendiary.
Traits: Blindness; Cannot Speak; Deafness; Doesn’t Breathe (Gills); Easy to Kill 2; Fragile (Explosive; Flammable); Injury Tolerance (No Blood, No Brain; No Eyes; No Head; No Neck); Invertebrate; Long Spines (Active; Switchable); No Manipulators; Semi-Sessile*; Vibration Sense (Universal); Wild Animal.
Skills:Camouflage-14; Survival (Island/Beach)-13.
Classification: Dire Animal.
Notes: Natural prey of the Walloping Welk. A Alchemy or Naturalist roll can be made to harvest the fluids of the barnacle which make natural Alchemists Fire!
* As Sessile, but allows a Move of 1 per minute, which is considered “paced” running and therefore costs FP.
For Monster Hunters…
ST: 1 HP: 5 Speed: 5.00
DX: 10 Will: 10 Move: Special (see below)
IQ: 2 Per: 10
HT: 10 FP: 12 Weight: 60 lbs.
EN: 10 EP: 10 SM: -6
Dodge: n/a Parry: n/a DR: 6
Fright Check: +4 (-1 if you know about their explosive nature)
Spines (12): 1d+3 impaling. Roll once per turn against each foe in your hex, as a free action. Roll at a -2 if your attacker is attacking you from below. Anyone who grapple or slams you are automatically hit, those who slam you take maximumdamage.
The “Blitz” (-):If a barnacle takes more than 5 HP of damage from a burning or explosive attack, suffers a major wound (2 HP of damage), or critically fails a HT roll, the barnacle explodes doing 3d [3d(0.5) burning] [1d+3 imp] crushing explosion incendiary.
Traits: Blindness; Cannot Speak; Deafness; Doesn’t Breathe (Gills); Easy to Kill 2; Fragile (Explosive; Flammable); Injury Tolerance (No Blood, No Brain; No Eyes; No Head; No Neck); Invertebrate; Long Spines (Active; Switchable); No Manipulators; Semi-Sessile*; Vibration Sense (Universal); Wild Animal.
Skills:Camouflage-14; Survival (Island/Beach)-13.
Classification: TBA.
Notes: Natural prey of the Walloping Welk. Use the skills listed under Cryptids in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). Blitz barnacles are more a obstacle to overcome rather than a enemy, but can be deadly in the right circumstances (See In Media Res, Monster Hunters 2, p. 17)
* As Sessile, but allows a Move of 1 per minute, which is considered “paced” running and therefore costs FP.