Triple Threat: Dimensional Shambler

“Dog – do you still think I made all my effigies? Why not say preserved? You know by this time the strange places I’ve been to, and the strange things I’ve brought back. Coward – you could never face the dimensional shambler whose hide I put on to scare you – the mere sight of it alive, or even the full-fledged thought of it, would kill you instantly with fright! Iä! Iä! It waits hungry for the blood that is the life!”

H. P. Lovecraft, The Horror at the Museum (1932)

Dimensional Shambler

Neither wholly ape nor insect, these hulking creatures have the innate ability to travel between planes of reality, from world to world, universe to universe, at will, and can take others, sometimes forcibly, with them.

Any Game System…
ST: 19                    HP: 21                  Speed: 6.25
DX: 10                   Will: 12                Move: 6
IQ: 8                      Per: 14                 Weight: 270 lbs.
HT: 14                   FP: 14                  SM: 0
Dodge: 9               Parry: n/a            DR: 3

Claw (14): 3d+3 cutting or impaling. Reach C-1. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part. If both claw attacks hit the same target and are successful they count as a grapple, even if no damage penetrates DR. On later turns the Dimensional Shambler can opt to roll its target’s ST or HT vs. 14, success means they do damage equal to their margin of success.
Claw, Running (12): 3d+3 cutting or impaling. Reach C-1. Made as a Move and Attack; ignore the skill cap of 9.
Improvised Weapon (15): Based on Damage 2d-1/3d+1.
Traits:  Appearance (Monstrous); Extra Attack (Claw attacks only); Injury Tolerance (Unliving); Insubstantiality (Accessibility, Only while using Jumper (World); Affect Substantial; Can Carry Objects, Medium; Partial Change, +100%; Unconscious Only; Uncontrollable); Jumper (World; Extra Carrying Capacity, Medium; Independent; Interplanar; Reliable 7; Feature: Variable time, 3d seconds instead of 10 seconds); Social Stigma (Monster); Striking ST+10 (Claw only).
Skills: Brawling-14; Observation-14; Stealth-14; Wrestling-12.
Notes: Specimens with IQ 10 or higher may have access to magic appropriate to the campaign setting.
If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check GURPS Horror, (p. 139) Dimensional Shamblers have a modifier of -5 and are considered to be “Sanity-Blasting.”

For Dungeon Fantasy…
ST: 19                    HP: 21                 Speed: 6.25
DX: 10                   Will: 12               Move: 6
IQ: 8                      Per: 14                Weight: 270 lbs.
HT: 14                   FP: 14                 SM: 0
Dodge: 9               Parry: n/a            DR: 3

Claw (14): 3d+3 cutting or impaling. Reach C-1. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part. If both claw attacks hit the same target and are successful they count as a grapple, even if no damage penetrates DR. On later turns the Dimensional Shambler can opt to roll its target’s ST or HT vs. 14, success means they do damage equal to their margin of success.
Claw, Running (12): 3d+3 cutting or impaling. Reach C-1. Made as a Move and Attack; ignore the skill cap of 9.
Improvised Weapon (15): Based on Damage 2d-1/3d+1.
Traits:  Appearance (Monstrous); Extra Attack (Claw attacks only); Injury Tolerance (Unliving); Insubstantiality (Accessibility, Only while using Jumper (World); Affect Substantial; Can Carry Objects, Medium; Partial Change, +100%; Unconscious Only; Uncontrollable); Jumper (World; Extra Carrying Capacity, Medium; Independent; Interplanar; Reliable 7; Feature: Variable time, 3d seconds instead of 10 seconds); Social Stigma (Monster); Striking ST+10 (Claw only); Terror (Visual; -5 to Fright Checks).
Skills: Brawling-14; Observation-14; Stealth-14; Wrestling-12.
Classification: Elder Thing.
Notes: Some specimens may have a access to magic. Those with a IQ of 10 or higher have Magery equal to (IQ – 10) and access to Wizard spells.

For Monster Hunters…
ST: 19                    HP: 21                  Speed: 6.25
DX: 10                   Will: 12                Move: 6
IQ: 8                      Per: 14                 Weight: 270 lbs.
HT: 14                   FP: 14                  SM: 0
Dodge: 9               Parry: n/a            DR: 6
Fright Check: -8
Claw (14): 3d+3 cutting or impaling. Reach C-1. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part. If both claw attacks hit the same target and are successful they count as a grapple, even if no damage penetrates DR. On later turns the Dimensional Shambler can opt to roll its target’s ST or HT vs. 14, success means they do damage equal to their margin of success.
Claw, Running (12): 3d+3 cutting or impaling. Reach C-1. Made as a Move and Attack; ignore the skill cap of 9.
Improvised Weapon (15): Based on Damage 2d-1/3d+1.
Traits:  Appearance (Monstrous); Extra Attack (Claw attacks only); Injury Tolerance (Damage Reduction 2; Homogeneous); Insubstantiality (Accessibility, Only while using Jumper (World); Affect Substantial; Can Carry Objects, Medium; Partial Change, +100%; Unconscious Only; Uncontrollable); Jumper (World; Extra Carrying Capacity, Medium; Independent; Interplanar; Reliable 7; Feature: Variable time, 3d seconds instead of 10 seconds); Social Stigma (Monster); Striking ST+10 (Claw only).
Skills: Brawling-14; Observation-14; Stealth-14; Wrestling-12.
Notes: Some specimens may have a access to magic. Those with a IQ of 10 or higher have Ritual Aptitude 5 and 12 points in Path skills (typically Path of Crossroads and/or Spirit) plus a Thaumatology equal to their IQ. Those with IQ of 15 or higher have Ritual Adept. Use the skills listed under Free-Willed Spirits in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). One Shambler is a fair fight for two or three champions.
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