Triple Threat – Hedleyspawn

TheHedley Kow is mischievous sprite from Northumberland in northern England. Though it was called the Hedley Kow, the spirit could transform itself into almost any shape to trick others. Wearing a cow’s shape, the tricky creature turned into a cow and let a farmer milk him, but kicked over the pail, slipped its noose, and ran away laughing. Another time it was said to wander into the farm’s kitchen scattering the cheeses, giving the cream to cats, and unraveling the spinning and knitting, When the exasperated farmer took a cane to the beast the Hedley Kow grabbed the stick and nearly beat him to death. Other times it appeared as a horse that would allow itself to be harnessed and ridden towards a nearby source of water where it slip the tack and toss its riders into the drinking, laughing the whole time. It also appeared as a bundle of kindling on the road, but as soon as someone tried to pick it up it would roll out of the way, giggling madly.
            It’s spawn are no better, though they’ve adapted to the times turning into technological items like laptops, cellphones, or even cars. While they are not particularly cruel, they do love to cause trouble and are more than happy to fight others. Unlike The Hedley Kow, Hedleyspawn actually look like oddly misshapen cow-like beings.

Any Campaign Setting…

ST: 10             HP: 10            Speed: 7.00
DX: 13            Will: 12          Move: 6
IQ: 10             Per: 14           Weight: 150 lbs.
HT: 11            FP: 11             SM: 0
Dodge: 10      Parry: 10        DR: 0
Bite (13): 1d-2 crushing. Reach C.
Claw (13): 1d-1 crushing. Reach C.
Other Improvised Weapon (8): Based on Damage 1d-2/1d.
Punch (10): 1d-2 crushing; Reach C.
Traits: Can Be Turned Using True Name*; Combat Reflexes; Curious (12); Danger Sense; Dark Vision; Divine Curse (Can be bound using True Name); Divine Curse (If asked something three times they must make sure it’s true/comes to pass); Divine Curse (Keep to the letter of any promise); Dread (Iron); Dread (Uttering their True Name aloud); Hidebound; Impulsiveness (6); Invisibility (Can Carry Objects, None, +10%; Glamour, Will-5, -5%; Substantial Only, -10%; Switchable, +10%); Magery 3; Morph (Active Change; Improvised Forms; Reliable 10; Unlimited); Odious Personal Habit (Capricious); Overconfidence (12); Revulsion (Iron); Short Attention Span (12); Trickster (12); Unaging; Vulnerability (Iron x2).
Skills:  Acting-16; Brawling-13; Camoflouge-18; Disguise-16; Stealth-18.
Classification: TBA.
Notes: Procreates by “budding.” If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check GURPS Horror, (p. 139) Hedleyspawn have a modifier of -0
* Use the rules for True Faith.

For Dungeon Fantasy…

ST: 10             HP: 10            Speed: 7.00
DX: 13            Will: 12           Move: 6
IQ: 10             Per: 14            Weight: 150 lbs.
HT: 11            FP: 11             SM: 0
Dodge: 10       Parry: 10        DR: 0
Bite (13): 1d-2 crushing. Reach C.
Claw (13): 1d-1 crushing. Reach C.
Other Improvised Weapon (8): Based on Damage 1d-2/1d.
Punch (10): 1d-2 crushing; Reach C.
Traits: Can Be Turned Using True Name*; Combat Reflexes; Curious (12); Danger Sense; Dark Vision; Divine Curse (Can be bound using True Name); Divine Curse (If asked something three times they must make sure it’s true/comes to pass); Divine Curse (Keep to the letter of any promise); Dread (Iron); Dread (Uttering their True Name aloud); Hidebound; Impulsiveness (6); Invisibility (Can Carry Objects, None, +10%; Glamour, Will-5, -5%; Substantial Only, -10%; Switchable, +10%); Magery 3; Morph (Active Change; Improvised Forms; Reliable 10; Unlimited); Odious Personal Habit (Capricious); Overconfidence (12); Revulsion (Iron); Short Attention Span (12); Trickster (12); Unaging; Vulnerability (Iron x2).

Skills:  Acting-16; Brawling-13; Camoflouge-18; Disguise-16; Stealth-18.
Classification: Faerie.
Notes: Procreates by “budding.”
* Use the rules for True Faith.

For Monster Hunters…

ST: 14             HP: 14            Speed: 7.00
DX: 13            Will: 12           Move: 6
IQ: 10             Per: 14            Weight: 150 lbs.
HT: 11            FP: 11             SM: 0
Dodge: 10       Parry: 10        DR: 0
Fright Check: 0 (-3 if it shapeshifts into a particularly frightening form)
Bite (13): 1d crushing. Reach C.
Claw (13): 1d+1 crushing. Reach C.
Other Improvised Weapon (8): Based on Damage 1d/2d.
Punch (10): 1d crushing; Reach C.
Traits: Acute Hearing 3; Combat Reflexes; Curious (12); Danger Sense; Dark Vision; Dread (Iron; Can be trapped only; Insensitive);Extended Hearing (Low);Impulsiveness (6); Injury Tolerance (Diffuse; Not against iron attacks); Intolerance (Religious or holy people and places); Invisibility (Glamour, Will-4; Reduced Time 1; Switchable); Jumper (Spirit; Costs Fatigue, 2 FP; Limited Access, Faerie; Special Movement, Must be able to walk; Special Portal, Any reflective surface; Tunnel, Takes Extra Time 5); Language (Tuath; Native); Magery 3;  Morph (Active Change; Improvised Forms; Reliable 10; Unlimited); Overconfidence (12); Short Attention Span (12); Trickster (12); Ultrahearing.

Skills:  Acting-16; Brawling-13; Camoflouge-18; Disguise-16; Stealth-18.
Notes: Procreates by “budding.” Use the skills listed under Free-Willed Spirits in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). One or Two Hedleyspawn are a fair fight for one champions armed with iron weapons, or one against two heroes armed only with normal ones.
* Use the rules for True Faith.
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