Hellhounds are large (about the size of a small pony) dog-like demons with burning coals for eyes and fur from jet-black to dirty dried blood. Like many “lesser demons” they are not very intelligent, but they do possess an animal cunning that makes them dangerous. They also possess the ability to seek out the souls of those who belong in Hell or who have been targeted by a specific Lord of Hell. Once they find them, they swiftly return to their home with their target firmly grasped between their jaws.
Any Campaign Setting…
ST: 16 HP: 18 Speed: 7.00
DX: 14 Will: 12 Move: 11/22
IQ: 6 Per: 14 Weight: 200 lbs.
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: +1
Dodge: 11 Parry: 12 DR: 6 (Tough Skin)
Bite (16): 2d+1 cutting. Reach C, 1.
Claw (16): 1d+2 cutting. Reach C, 1.
Torso Grapple (16): No damage, but on further turns can squeeze (Choke or Strangle, p. B370) as ST 23 or worry.
Worry (-): This can only be used after a target has been bitten. It does the same damage as the bite.
Traits: Appearance (Monstrous); Bad Smell; Combat Reflexes; Dark Vision; Discriminatory Hearing; Discriminatory Smell (Emotion Sense); Divine Curse (Can be bound using True Name); Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; Dread (Holy Ground); Dread (Religious Symbols; Cannot Be Trapped); Duty (Master); Energy Reserve 6 (Infernal*); Extra Attack 1; Fearlessness 3; High Pain Threshold (Accessibility, Not against holy attacks); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous; No Blood); Insubstantiality (Affect Substantial (Only if Summoned); Powerful Reversion; Substantial Only; Difficult Materialization (Only if Summoned)); Intolerance (Religious or holy people and places); Invisibility (Substantial Only; Difficult Materialization (Only if Summoned)); Jumper (Spirit; Only if Summoned, Limited Access, Hell); Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents; Accessibility, Prevents direct harm of truly good folk only); Pack Tactics; Penetrating Voice; Quadruped; Resistant to Influence (+3); Sharp Claws; Sharp Teeth; Social Stigma (Demon); Soulseeker†; Striking ST+5 (Bite only); Terror 2 (Hearing); Turned Using True Faith;Unaging;Vulnerability (Blessed Weapons x2); Weakness (Holy attacks; 1d per minute); Weakness (Iron, 1d/minute; Fatigue only); Weakness (Running Water, 1d/minute; Variable).
Skills: Brawling‑16; Intimidate-14, Jumping-16; Stealth‑14; Tracking-18; Wrestling-16.
Notes: Affected by any magic that can affect demons; Natural Biter 3. The Pack Alpha has an IQ of 7, as well as a Leadership and Tactics of 12; other statistics are the same. If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check from GURPS Horror, (p. 139), Hellhounds have a modifier of -2.
* This can be spent on any demonic racial ability as well as Extra Effort for Combat or any other “hellish” power (e.g., magic fueled by demons).
† This trait is Super-Memorization 1 (35) (Limited, Trait, Detect, -50%; Magical, -10%; Requires Per Roll, -5%). The Detect advantage is attuned to a specific target and is built as Detect (Specific Target; Analyzing, +100%; Cosmic, Ignores Countermeasures (Accessibility, Targets who belong in Hell only, -50%), +150%; Cosmic, No die roll required, +100%; Long-Range 1, +50%; Precise, +100%; World-Spanning, All, +100%).
Dungeon Fantasy…
ST: 16 HP: 18 Speed: 7.00
DX: 14 Will: 12 Move: 11/22
IQ: 6 Per: 14 Weight: 200 lbs.
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: +1
Dodge: 11 Parry: 12 DR: 5* (Tough Skin)
Bite (16): 2d+1 cutting. Reach C, 1.
Claw (16): 1d+2 cutting. Reach C, 1.
Fire Breath (16): 2d burning. Range 5/10; no range penalties.
Fire Breath (16): 2d burning. Range 5/10; no range penalties.
Torso Grapple (16): No damage, but on further turns can squeeze (Choke or Strangle, p. B370) as ST 23 or worry.
Worry (-): This can only be used after a target has been bitten. It does the same damage as the bite.
Traits: Appearance (Monstrous); Bad Smell; Combat Reflexes; Dark Vision; Dependency (Mana; Constantly); Discriminatory Hearing; Discriminatory Smell (Emotion Sense); Divine Curse (Can be bound using True Name); Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; Dread (Holy Ground); Dread (Religious Symbols; Cannot Be Trapped); Duty (Master); Energy Reserve 6 (Infernal†); Extra Attack 1; Fearlessness 3; High Pain Threshold (Accessibility, Not against holy attacks); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous; No Blood); Insubstantiality (Affect Substantial (Only if Summoned); Powerful Reversion; Substantial Only; Difficult Materialization (Only if Summoned)); Intolerance (Religious or holy people and places); Invisibility (Substantial Only; Difficult Materialization (Only if Summoned)); Jumper (Spirit; Only if Summoned, Limited Access, Hell); Pacifism (Cannot Harm Innocents; Accessibility, Prevents direct harm of truly good folk only); Pack Tactics; Penetrating Voice; Quadruped; Resistant to Influence (+3); Sharp Claws; Sharp Teeth; Social Stigma (Infernal); Soulseeker‡; Striking ST+5 (Bite only); Terror 2 (Hearing); Turned Using True Faith;Unaging;Vulnerability (Blessed Weapons x2); Weakness (Holy attacks; 1d per minute); Weakness (Iron, 1d/minute; Fatigue only); Weakness (Running Water, 1d/minute; Variable).
Skills: Brawling‑16; Innate Attack (Breath)-16; Intimidate-14, Jumping-16; Stealth‑14; Tracking-18; Wrestling-16.
Classification: Demon.
Notes: Affected by any magic that can affect demons; Natural Biter 3. The Pack Alpha has an IQ of 7, as well as a Leadership and Tactics of 12; other statistics are the same. This is a “greater” hellhound, “lesser” hellhounds can be found in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy, p. 26.
* Remove the Tough Skin limitation and triple this DR against Heat or Fire attacks.
† This can be spent on any demonic racial ability as well as Extra Effort for Combat or any other “hellish” power (e.g., magic fueled by demons).
† This can be spent on any demonic racial ability as well as Extra Effort for Combat or any other “hellish” power (e.g., magic fueled by demons).
‡ This trait is Super-Memorization 1 (35) (Limited, Trait, Detect, -50%; Magical, -10%; Requires Per Roll, -5%). The Detect advantage is attuned to a specific target and is built as Detect (Specific Target; Analyzing, +100%; Cosmic, Ignores Countermeasures (Accessibility, Targets who belong in Hell only, -50%), +150%; Cosmic, No die roll required, +100%; Long-Range 1, +50%; Precise, +100%; World-Spanning, All, +100%).
Monster Hunters…
ST: 16 HP: 18 Speed: 7.00
DX: 14 Will: 12 Move: 11/22
IQ: 6 Per: 14 Weight: 200 lbs.
HT: 12 FP: 12 SM: +1
Dodge: 11 Parry: 12 DR: 6 (Tough Skin)
Fright Check: -2
Bite (16): 2d+1 cutting. Reach C, 1.
Claw (16): 1d+2 cutting. Reach C, 1.
Torso Grapple (16): No damage, but on further turns can squeeze (Choke or Strangle, p. B370) as ST 23 or worry.
Worry (-): This can only be used after a target has been bitten. It does the same damage as the bite.
Traits: Appearance (Monstrous); Bad Smell; Combat Reflexes; Dark Vision; Discriminatory Hearing; Discriminatory Smell (Emotion Sense); Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; Dread (Holy Ground); Dread (Religious Symbols; Cannot Be Trapped); Duty (Master); Energy Reserve 6 (Infernal*); Extra Attack 1; Fearlessness 3; High Pain Threshold (Accessibility, Not against holy attacks); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous; No Blood); Pack Tactics; Penetrating Voice; Quadruped; Resistant to Influence (+3); Sharp Claws; Sharp Teeth; Social Stigma (Monster); Soulseeker†; Striking ST+5 (Bite only); Terror 2 (Hearing); Vulnerability (Blessed Weapons x2); Weakness (Holy attacks; 1d per minute); Weakness (Running Water, 1d/minute; Variable). Additionally, roll once on Demonic Variety (Monster Hunters 3, p. 19).
Skills: Brawling‑16; Intimidate-14, Jumping-16; Stealth‑14; Tracking-18; Wrestling-16.
Notes: Affected by Path of Spirit; Natural Biter 3. The Pack Alpha has an IQ of 7, as well as a Leadership and Tactics of 12; other statistics are the same. Understands Demontongue, but cannot speak it. Use the skills listed under Demons in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). One hellhound is a fair fight for one to two champions.
* * This can be spent on any demonic racial ability as well as Extra Effort for Combat or any other “hellish” power (e.g., magic fueled by demons).
† This trait is Super-Memorization 1 (35) (Limited, Trait, Detect, -50%; Magical, -10%; Requires Per Roll, -5%). The Detect advantage is attuned to a specific target and is built as Detect (Specific Target; Analyzing, +100%; Cosmic, Ignores Countermeasures (Accessibility, Targets who belong in Hell only, -50%), +150%; Cosmic, No die roll required, +100%; Long-Range 1, +50%; Precise, +100%; World-Spanning, All, +100%).