The so-called “hopping corpse” of Chinese legend, it has near-glowing green-white hair, long fingernails, and glowing green eyes. In the day it sleeps in a coffin or hides in a dark place like a cave, attic, basement, etc. At night it hunts its territory finding human beings whose “chi” it devours.
For Any Game…
ST: 20 HP: 24 Speed: 7.00
DX: 12 Will: 14 Move: 5 (5 if jumping straight up; 20 if jumping across)
IQ: 10 Per: 13 Weight: 150 lbs.
HT: 12 FP: N/A SM: 0
Dodge: 12 Parry: 11 DR: 3
Draw Breath (-):The vampire must first grapple the target; if he succeeds he may immediately drain 1d FP or HP from his target,.
Talons (14): 2d+1 imp. Reach C. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part.
Grapple (14): Made as a Move and Attack. No damage. Reach C.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Compulsive Behavior (6) (Count small objects); Dark Vision; Detect (Breath); Doesn’t Breathe; Dominance; Draining (Human Chi; Illegal); Dread (Consecrated Incense); Dread (Own Reflection); Dread (Peach Wood); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Unliving); Nocturnal; Social Stigma (Monster); Super Jump 3; Supernatural Durability (Fire and Lightning); Supernatural Features (No Body Heat, Pallor); Unaging; Uncontrollable Appetite (12) (Human Chi); Unhealing (Partial); Unnatural Features (Greenish-white hair; Long fingernails); Weakness (Salt; 1d/minute); Weakness (Sunlight; 1d/minute).
Skills: Brawling-14; Jumping-18; Stealth-14; Wrestling-14.
Notes: Sterile. Neither has nor uses FP, but can burn HP for extra effort. If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check GURPS Horror, (p. 139) Jiangshi have a modifier of -3.
For Dungeon Fantasy…
ST: 20 HP: 24 Speed: 7.00
DX: 12 Will: 14 Move: 5 (5 if jumping straight up; 20 if jumping across)
IQ: 10 Per: 13 Weight: 150 lbs.
HT: 12 FP: N/A SM: 0
Dodge: 12 Parry: 11 DR: 3
Draw Breath (-):The vampire must first grapple the target; if he succeeds he may immediately drain 1d FP or HP from his target,.
Talons (14): 2d+1 imp. Reach C. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part.
Grapple (14): Made as a Move and Attack. No damage. Reach C.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Compulsive Behavior (6) (Count small objects); Dark Vision; Detect (Breath); Doesn’t Breathe; Dominance; Draining (Human Chi; Illegal); Dread (Consecrated Incense); Dread (Own Reflection); Dread (Peach Wood); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Unliving); Nocturnal; Social Stigma (Monster); Super Jump 3; Supernatural Durability (Fire and Lightning); Supernatural Features (No Body Heat, Pallor); Unaging; Uncontrollable Appetite (12) (Human Chi); Unhealing (Partial); Unnatural Features (Greenish-white hair; Long fingernails); Weakness (Salt; 1d/minute); Weakness (Sunlight; 1d/minute).
Skills: Brawling-14; Jumping-18; Stealth-14; Wrestling-14.
Classification: Undead.
Notes: Sterile. Neither has nor uses FP, but can burn HP for extra effort.
For Monster Hunters…
ST: 20 HP: 24 Speed: 8.00
DX: 14 Will: 14 Move: 5 (5 if jumping straight up; 20 if jumping across)
IQ: 10 Per: 13 Weight: 150 lbs.
HT: 14 FP: N/A SM: 0
Dodge: 12 Parry: 11 DR: 3
Fright Check: -3
Draw Breath (-):The vampire must first grapple the target; if he succeeds he may immediately drain 1d FP or HP from his target,.
Talons (12): 2d+1 imp. Reach C. Treat as a weapon (Striker), not as a body part. Made as a Deceptive Attack (-2 to defend).
Grapple (16): Made as a Move and Attack. No damage. Reach C.
Traits: Combat Reflexes; Compulsive Behavior (6) (Count small objects); Dark Vision; Detect (Breath); Doesn’t Breathe; Dominance; Draining (Human Chi; Illegal); Dread (Consecrated Incense); Dread (Own Reflection); Dread (Peach Wood); Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Injury Tolerance (Unliving); Nocturnal; Social Stigma (Monster); Super Jump 3; Supernatural Durability (Fire and Lightning); Supernatural Features (No Body Heat, Pallor); Unaging; Uncontrollable Appetite (12) (Human Chi); Unhealing (Partial); Unnatural Features (Greenish-white hair; Long fingernails); Weakness (Salt; 1d/minute); Weakness (Sunlight; 1d/minute).
Skills: Brawling-16; Jumping-18; Stealth-16; Wrestling-16.
Notes: Sterile. Neither has nor uses FP, but can burn HP for extra effort. Use the skills listed under Undead Spirits in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). One Jiangshi is a fair fight for one or two champions.
It says "can burn EP" but it doesn't have an energy reserve of any kind. Do you mean HP?
Mistake. I use a 5th attribute in my games for supernatural powers – I fixed it. Thank you.