Triple Threat – Tetramental

Note: This particular critter was designed by Antoni Ten Munros, I am just tossing it out there for use at his request.


A artificial creation, this is what happens when you fuse together one elemental of each of element: Air (Lightning), Earth, Fire, and Water (Ice). They are often bound to a specific location to serve as protectors.
They look like a humanoid swirling masses of the four elements that compose them, solid enough to affect the material world, but fluid enough to be only slightly bothered by most attacks. This is the weakest variety and most often encountered. There are rumors of stronger Tetramentals that deal twice as much damage, and can use each ability once per turn and more reliably.
Any Campaign Setting…
ST: 20             HP: 20            Speed: 7.00
DX: 14            Will: 12           Move: 11/22
IQ: 8               Per: 12            Weight: 400 lbs.
HT: 14            FP: 14             SM: 0
Dodge: 11       Parry: 14        DR: Special*

Frostbyte (18): This deals 3d burning that will not start fires, ignoring all armor, but is resisted by HT. This ability takes -1/yard away from the target the Tetramental is.
Lightning Stare (18): Deals 3d-3 burning surge arcing with a stunning side effect and secondary paralysis to all targets in a 7 yard long, 3 yard wide cone. DR gained from metallic armor is treated as 1 regardless of its actual value.
Fireball (18): Does 3d burning explosive damage to a two-yard area; Acc 3; range 10/100; RoF 1.
Punch (16): 2d+2 crushing plus a linked attack from the Tetra-Elemental Aura ability.
Stone Missile (18): Inflicts 3d+3 crushing wiht double knockback; Acc 5; range 10/100; RoF 1.
Tetra-Elemental Aura (-): Anyone object or creature touching a tetra-elemental suffers 2d damage per second, of a random type determined as follows: Roll 1d. On a 1, it’s as per Frostbyte. On a 2, it’s Lightning State, on a 3 it’s Fireball, on a 4, it’s  Stone Missile. On a 5, roll again twice, ignoring any result of 5+, it deals 1d damage of the two rolled types. On a 6, roll twice as per 5, but it deals 2d damage per element instead.

Traits: Bad Temper (9); Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; Flight; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Infravision; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse); Sadism (9).
Skills: Brawling‑16; Innate Attack (Gaze)-18; Innate Attack (Projectile)-18. 
Notes: Affected by any magic that can affect elementals – cannot be banished or controlled unless the mage can banish or control all four elements of which the creature is composed of.. If the GM is using Intrinsic Fright Check from GURPS Horror (p. 139), Tetramental’s have a modifier of -3.
*DR 10 vs fire, lightning, cold, crushing attacks, and missile attacks.

Dungeon Fantasy…
ST: 20             HP: 20            Speed: 7.00
DX: 14            Will: 12           Move: 11/22
IQ: 8               Per: 12            Weight: 400 lbs.
HT: 14            FP: 14             SM: 0
Dodge: 11       Parry: 14        DR: Special*

Frostbyte (20): This deals 3d burning that will not start fires, ignoring all armor, but is resisted by HT. This ability takes -1/yard away from the target the Tetramental is.
Lightning Stare (20): Deals 3d-3 burning surge arcing with a stunning side effect and secondary paralysis to all targets in a 7 yard long, 3 yard wide cone. DR gained from metallic armor is treated as 1 regardless of its actual value.
Fireball (20): Does 3d burning explosive damage to a two-yard area; Acc 3; range 10/100; RoF 1.
Punch (16): 2d+2 crushing plus a linked attack from the Tetra-Elemental Aura ability.
Stone Missile (20): Inflicts 3d+3 crushing wiht double knockback; Acc 5; range 10/100; RoF 1.
Tetra-Elemental Aura (-): Anyone object or creature touching a tetra-elemental suffers 2d damage per second, of a random type determined as follows: Roll 1d. On a 1, it’s as per Frostbyte. On a 2, it’s Lightning State, on a 3 it’s Fireball, on a 4, it’s  Stone Missile. On a 5, roll again twice, ignoring any result of 5+, it deals 1d damage of the two rolled types. On a 6, roll twice as per 5, but it deals 2d damage per element instead.

Traits: Bad Temper (9); Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; Flight; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Infravision; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse); Sadism (9).
Skills: Brawling‑16; Innate Attack (Gaze)-20; Innate Attack (Projectile)-20. 
Class: Elemental.

Notes: Affected by any magic that can affect elementals – cannot be banished or controlled unless the mage can banish or control all four elements of which the creature is composed of. 
*DR 10 vs fire, lightning, cold, crushing attacks, and missile attacks. 

For Monster Hunters…
ST: 20             HP: 20            Speed: 7.00
DX: 14            Will: 12           Move: 11/22
IQ: 8               Per: 12            Weight: 400 lbs.
HT: 14            FP: 14             SM: 0
Dodge: 11       Parry: 14        DR: Special*

Fright Check: -3

Frostbyte (20): This deals 5d burning that will not start fires, ignoring all armor, but is resisted by HT. This ability takes -1/yard away from the target the Tetramental is.
Lightning Stare (20): Deals 4d burning surge arcing with a stunning side effect and secondary paralysis to all targets in a 7 yard long, 3 yard wide cone. DR gained from metallic armor is treated as 1 regardless of its actual value.
Fireball (20): Does 5d burning explosive damage to a two-yard area; Acc 3; range 10/100; RoF 1.
Punch (16): 2d+2 crushing plus a linked attack from the Tetra-Elemental Aura ability. Made as a Deceptive Attack (-2 to defend against).
Stone Missile (20): Inflicts 6d crushing wiht double knockback; Acc 5; range 10/100; RoF 1.
Tetra-Elemental Aura (-): Anyone object or creature touching a tetra-elemental suffers 2d damage per second, of a random type determined as follows: Roll 1d. On a 1, it’s as per Frostbyte. On a 2, it’s Lightning State, on a 3 it’s Fireball, on a 4, it’s  Stone Missile. On a 5, roll again twice, ignoring any result of 5+, it deals 1d damage of the two rolled types. On a 6, roll twice as per 5, but it deals 2d damage per element instead.

Traits: Bad Temper (9); Doesn’t Breathe; Doesn’t Eat or Drink; Doesn’t Sleep; Flight; High Pain Threshold; Immunity to Metabolic Hazards; Indomitable; Infravision; Injury Tolerance (Diffuse); Sadism (9).
Skills: Brawling‑20; Innate Attack (Gaze)-20; Innate Attack (Projectile)-20. 

Notes: Affected by any magic that can affect elementals – cannot be banished or controlled unless the mage can banish or control all four elements of which the creature is composed of. Use the skills listed under Free-Willed Spirits in the Know Thy Enemy box in Monster Hunters 1 (p. 16). One tetramental is a fair fight for three to four champions.
*DR 20 vs fire, lightning, cold, crushing attacks, and missile attacks. 

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