Note: This creature is directly inspired by the monster of the same name from Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Death Mauler The Death Mauler is an earth demon that dwells deep within the network of subterranean caverns of the Burning Hells. They are well protected by a hard shell bristling with spikes and a thick, […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Ritual Path Magic, Wishes, and Permanently Granted Traits
Inspired by +Peter V. Dell’Orto‘s posts about Wishes (you can read them, here, here, and here), as well as this post and this thread (which ultimately didn’t pan out for the reasons I discussed in there), I got to thinking: What would a “wish” spell look like in Ritual Path Magic? It almost certainly would require […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Gaping Maw
Note: The following critter was inspired by the Gaping Dragon boss from Dark Souls. Gaping Maw This twisted monstrosity resembles a cross between a camel cricket and some sort of reptile…with a gigantic mouth where its torso should be. It has fully functional wings, which resemble those of a dragonfly with reptilian features. It attacks […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Beginner’s Ritual Path Magic
I’ve done a ton of blog posts on Ritual Path magic…because, well, I like it and there is a demand for it right now. So hey, give the readers what they want. Monster Hunters covers what fairly large spells and competent casters might look like, but what about less-competent characters? Everyone has to start somewhere […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Character Death – Part II
And we’re back! Still talking about character death, its causes, possible outcomes, and what you can do about it. Well. That Was a Dumb IdeaIt’s happened to all of us. We went left when we should have gone right. You weren’t paying attention entirely to the GM when he spilled a crucial bit of information. […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Character Death – Part I
Every player’s fear and a GMs’ nightmare – the death of a player character. Nothing can halt game play like a (unplanned – see below) death. Was it a bad roll? Did the player just make a mistake? Was it intentional? Was it GM error? Regardless of the why, the effects of how it can […]
Continue readingGURPS101 – You Are Going to Hell
In this thread, RyanW asked “What happens in Monster Hunters if you go to Hell and die there?” That is a very interesting question (See what I did there? I pulled a +Douglas Cole, now I have to go drink a shot of whiskey – don’t ask, inside joke. ~_^). What does happen? Well, that […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Shoggoth
Note: This is a creature from H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. Shoggoth Iridescent black masses of bubbling protoplasm with random eyes, mouths, and less definable organs forming from and receding into the body, Shoggoths were created the servants of the Elder Things using alien biotechnology about a billion years ago. Shoggoths are malevolent, mocking, and […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: My Love/Hate Relationship With Virtual Tabletops
I’ve been playing role-playing games for a long time, I’ve been into computers almost as long. When I found out the two could combine…oh man, I geeked out. My first VTT was MapTools (version 1.19 I think). I spent hours toying with it and trying to make it work…and it did. But not the way […]
Continue readingSoftware Review: Scrivener
After tinkering with Scrivener for a couple of hours, I could almost immediately see its potential – the problem is (and this is the issue with all new software to some degree) I don’t have time to learn how everything works. The tutorial is pretty complete, but I usually like to just jump in with […]
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