Triple Threat: Jiangshi

The so-called “hopping corpse” of Chinese legend, it has near-glowing green-white hair, long fingernails, and glowing green eyes. In the day it sleeps in a coffin or hides in a dark place like a cave, attic, basement, etc. At night it hunts its territory finding human beings whose “chi” it devours. For Any Game… ST: […]

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Gamemaster’s Guidepost: How Tough Is It?

Because GURPS is a point-buy system, figuring out what constitutes as a “tough” opponent can be difficult. Not only difficult, it can be downright arcane. There are situations where a 500-point character can have barely any impact on a combat (lots of social and mental advantages), and a 100-pointer absolutely dominates it (purely combat-oriented advantages). […]

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GURPS101: How Tough Am I? – What HT and FP Mean To My Players

HT is probably one of the most undervalued attributes in GURPS, in my opinion. It is described in the Basic Set (p. 17) as “energy, vitality, stamina, resistance (to poison, disease, radiation, etc.), and basic ‘grit.’” I take that last part as “physical” grit – because grit isn’t just physical (or mental). To get a […]

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Triple Threat: Tako-Oni

A huge squid monster from the depths of the ocean. It’s big. It’s squishy. And it wants revenge for all that calamari you ate. If it were in the Atlantic, they’d call it a Kraken… For Any Game…ST: 60             HP: 60            Speed: 6.00DX: 12            Will: 14           Move: 4 (Water Move 10/20)IQ: 6 […]

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Reblog – Gaming Ballistic: GB Firing Squad: Christopher Rice’s Pyramid Mentoring Group

Gaming Ballistic: GB Firing Squad: Christopher Rice’s Pyramid Mentor…: +Christopher R. Rice  and I sat down briefly to discuss a mutual project of ours, that he nonetheless originated, championed, and for lack of a better word, chairs. Pyramid Magazine can a tough magazine for which to write. GURPS formats are intensely technical, and the Steve […]

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