Carpe Blogiem: Author, Patreon, and Blog Highlights – December 2023

  Authorial Highlights I have settled on what form of fiction I want to write, but I need to consider it some and do some preliminary outlining. “GURPS Meta-Tech” aka GURPS Whatchamacallit  is back with Steve Jackson Games to get ready for the playtest that starts this week. I personally handpicked my playtesters and had […]

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AEON B2-Team: Season 7, Session 1 – At the Beginning

Dramatis Personae Amar Gupta aka The Iron Sikh  (played by Christian): Brick. Taxi Driver. Ass-Kicker. Sikh. Tagline: “Being a man of faith means to live it.” Amie-Belle T. W. Lee aka Whisper (Played by Curtis): Cold War era super-soldier/spy that got put in the Freezer, because she got poisoned. After getting thawed out and cured she tried to […]

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