“That boy is mad as bones.” My grandmother would say that about me often as a child. I was . . . a handful. Hiding in places and shouting “Boo!” at passersbys, climbing on the roof at night to look at the stars, playing out in a nor’easter, and in general just running wild. As […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: Aeon Campaign Arc 1, Post Mortem
Ok, folks. Buckle up. This is going to be a slightly long post. First, if you don’t know about my Aeon campaign here’s the gist from my Session Recap page. It’s 2016 and superpowers are real. They appear to have been born out of a strange energy pulse that hit the middle of the Atlantic […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Cold Ritual Path Magic Spells
Sometimes you really need a cold one. And by a cold one I mean some cryomantic ritual path magic spells (or frigiomancy if you prefer)… …if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingGURPS101: More Psychokinesis Powers for Psionic Powers
GURPS Psionic Powers offers one of the more interesting power frameworks for GURPS Fourth Edition. The following new power “Psi-Bolt” increases the arsenal of any teke… …if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingAeon D-Team S01E05 – Fun Guy
Dramatis Personae Eddie (played by +Ignus Pyre): 6’, 180 lbs. Outwardly disheveled looking, but his scruffy furs hide high quality gear underneath. Fairly average looking with reddish brown hair and a bit of stubble. Carries an enormous backpack but doesn’t seem too slowed by it, despite a slight limp, a pulls a trailer behind him made from the […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Just Stopped Off for a Pint
GURPS has several disadvantages to create characters that feed off of blood. Today I’m going to talk about a few. Feeds on Blood as a DependencyBeing dependent on blood (any blood) will be considered a Very Common rarity and thus costing -5 points as a base. Human blood would be considered the same, but illegal (without a […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Crafting Imbuements
This article gestated for a long time – I first began exploring the concept after a conversation on the forums in 2015. The idea was fairly simple: have a set of imbuement skills that let you create common boosts for powerful weapons, armor, or tools. I am not too proud to say that it took me […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Save vs. Spectate
Over at RPGJutsu my buddy +GodBeastX brings up a great point – a point he brought up while we were doing construction on the new GURPS campaign I plan on running in May. The thought here is this: if you are running a Horror campaign as I plan on doing you kind of have to use Fright […]
Continue readingThe Chronicles of Ceteri – A-Team – S00E09 – Given Up for Dead, Part I
Dramatic Personae Annalise “Annie” M. Murphy (played by +Ann LS): Exorcist extraordinaire, sorcerer, psychic, twice cursed and twice blessed monster hunter. Ex-Gladius Dei. The Murphy. Talks to God, sometimes He talks back. Dr. Francesco “Frankie” Novella (played by +Troy Loy): Doctor and accidental hero. Surgeon with a shotgun. Unflappable. Logical. Sometimes literal. No sense of humor. Always capable. Sir Al-Shams mac Lannageal […]
Continue readingThe Chronicles of Ceteri – A-Team – S00E08 – Silent as the Dead, Part III
Dramatic Personae Annalise “Annie” M. Murphy (played by +Ann LS): Exorcist extraordinaire, sorcerer, psychic, twice cursed and twice blessed monster hunter. Ex-Gladius Dei. The Murphy. Talks to God, sometimes He talks back. Dr. Francesco “Frankie” Novella (played by +Troy Loy): Doctor and accidental hero. Surgeon with a shotgun. Unflappable. Logical. Sometimes literal. No sense of humor. Always capable. Sir Al-Shams mac Lannageal […]
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