Boil and Bubble: Diablorising Ritual Path Magic – The Necromancer – Part III

And the final in my installment for Diablo II’s Necromancer. my “conversion” of the Diablo II Necromancer’s skills. Lastly: Poison and Bone! Poison and Bone Most of the spells and abilities listed here involve  inflicting poison damage or conjuring bone constructs. Teeth Spell Effects: Greater Create Matter. Inherent Modifiers: Damage, External Small Piercing (Cone, 3 […]

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Triple Threat: Blitz Barnacle

Blitz Barnacles are large (almost a half a foot in length) barnacle-like critters. They get their name from the fact that if they take damage they are liable to explode. Worse, stepping (or God help you, falling) on one causes a muscular contraction that shoots out several sea urchin-like spikes. They’re natural prey of the […]

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Casting Lots – Part I – Game Session 4

Angelique Ashur, Jonathan Valerius Baksheesh, Maynard “Alex” Hamilton, Franklin Kasseal, & Sergei Romanova June, 18th, 2001, 3:00 pm 46 Hours Since Kidnapping 3510 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60653 The PCs arrive at CPD headquarters just in time to begin interrogating the cell’s leader (who refuses to give his name). Franklin is given desk detail […]

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Triple Threat: Rat-Thing

Rat-Thing Rat-Things are large (about a foot and a half long from head to tail) rodent with a human faces that are twisted with hate. Despite their size they are fiendishly strong and can bit off the finger of a grown man with a single bite. Any Game System… ST: 8                      HP: 10                 […]

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