When S. A. Fisher came to me with an idea for a Pyramid article I immediately offered to help him in whatever way I could. Shawn had assisted me previously with a few other projects in the past, played cheerleader when I needed it, and in general acted as the mentor I view him as. When […]
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Boil and Bubble: More Combat Magic Part I
GURPS Magic: Artillery Spells gives combat casters more options to choose from for area spells and deadly magic. The following three new spells gives a couple more options . . . . . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Quick and Dirty Travel Spells for DFRPG
Guest Post by Kalzazz The Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game has some rather elaborate rules for overland travel, including uses for Survival, Navigation, Weather Sense, and many other skills, oh my. It does not however include particularly convenient rules for the use of spells during said travel, despite including spells such as Quick March, Create Food, and […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Warcaster
Damage-dealing spellcasters using standard magic need all the help they can get. Sure, highskill can make tossing 3d Fireballs a breeze, but when compared with warriors or archers who can fight all day long and don’t really spend FP, things get . . . annoying. Suddenly, semiphenomenal cosmic power really does come with itty-bitty living […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: More Magic Enchantments I
Standard GURPS magic can leave a lot to be desired, but it has places where it just works perfectly. I decided to come up with a few new spells for enchantments for my own games and thought I’d share them. You’ll need GURPS Magic, of course. . . . . . if you’d like to […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Trained by an Arch-Caster
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy has a lot to offer– even (or especially) to those who don’t play it. The power-ups framework shows quite well how to do or build a myriad number of things. The following new caster power-up helps to differentiate casters who’ve had special training or genius teachers/mentors… . . if you’d like to […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Ritual Path Magic Perks Part I
Due to my rules-tinkering nature I always have an abundance of material that’s either seen some use in game or at least has been vetting by someone other than myself. Today I’m going to post a couple of perks for Ritual Path Magic users . . . . . . if you’d like to read […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Weird Ritual Path Magic
It’s no secret that I like Ritual Path magic, I’ve talked about it before so I won’t go into it again. If you are even remotely familiar with my blog (and I’ll assume you are) you know that this is a subject near and dear to my heart – like most magic systems. So what do […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Druidic Ritual Path Magic
Dungeons and Dragons, video games, movies . . . all of these things have thrust the ancient religion of the Celts into the modern limelight. It’s become fashionable, even vogue, to include some sort of nature-loving magical hippy into this or that pop culture “thing” (and that’s not a complaint! Druids ARE cool). This material […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 19 – Incantation Magic
Wow. It’s finally out. The original idea for this article goes all he way back to early 2013 when +Antoni Ten Monrós and I were thinking about how we’d do “old school vancian” magic. I suggested RPM and he liked the idea and threw the ball back at me “What if we change the paths completely?” Inner Me: […]
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