Native American Crusaders was a topic I wanted to cover for GURPS Monster Hunters for a long time. I’m of native descent and got to take things I’d been told about in my childhood (the raven mocker being one) and turn that into GURPS statblocks. That’s pretty heavy stuff. I grew up on the stories of my […]
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Triple Threat: The Devil’s Tongue and Clacker Zombies
The devil’s tongue plant (also called a konjakk) is a large broad-leaf plant whose stamen is a dark red; almost brown the color of dried blood. Its base forms a cone-like structure that can reach up to six feet across and is of a similar color. Konjakk is highly avoided because of one of its […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Therasal
Therasal (or stone quills as they are more commonly called) are a strange mixture of badger, pangolin, porcupine, and canine with eight legs, octagonal scales, long spines, and a fuzzy down in places where their armor does not fully overlap. Their sharply pointed ears have fine tufts of fur that alert them to danger and […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Krampus
The Krampus (sometimes called “Black Peter”) is a unique being that is sometimes thought to be a demon or elf who lost a bet with Father Christmas and is now forced to serve him as his terrifying enforcer, a job Krampus delights in. Along with the other Companions, he can only appear after December 1stand […]
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: Special Wooden Weaponry
A few of the more interesting modifiers from my current game for wooden weaponry. This should work “as is” for GURPS Monster Hunters and Dungeon Fantasy – other campaigns may require a bit of a custom fit… …if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes – Born to Be Wild
It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of the GURPS Monster Hunters series. I was one of the first to playtest it before it came out and I’ve been one of the biggest contributors to the series so far. What can I say, Monster Hunters scratches all the right itches for me. “Born to Be Wild” came […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Detailed Ritual Path Magic Grimoires
A spellbook. A book of shadows. A grimoire. These are all names for the same thing: a formula for casting a spell. GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic has rules for grimoires to use with the eponymous system, but that has a few assumptions built in from the book it originally appeared in (GURPS Monster Hunters […]
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: Doodads and Gewgaws, Part II
The follow-up to a previous post. This post is all about the Doodad perk and a few other odds and ends for gizmos and gizmo-like traits. Foreight, Schmoresight+Pk Levine‘s “Fortunately, I Saw This Coming” from Pyramid #3/53: Action is one of my absolute favorite articles of all time. It’s a bit of brilliance that if there is ever a […]
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: Doodads and Gewgaws, Part I
No adventurer or hero can carry everything they need. GURPS allows you a extremely broad choice of gear thanks to its many catalogues and tech-books – but what if you really need a bunch of paperclips and you’re not near an office? Or you need to make a repair to an engine and you’ve got no […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes:Terry Toucan & the Puzzle Pals – The House of 10,000 Sock Monkeys!
My involvement in this article was mostly as a format checker and “crunch” meister. Though I did help J. hammer out some of the details. I spent maybe 10 hours total, with 0.5 hours writing, 5 hours editing/format-checking, 0 hours for research, and maybe another 4.5 hours of revision. I had a blast working with […]
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