Triple Threat: Therasal

Therasal (or stone quills as they are more commonly called) are a strange mixture of badger, pangolin, porcupine, and canine with eight legs, octagonal scales, long spines, and a fuzzy down in places where their armor does not fully overlap. Their sharply pointed ears have fine tufts of fur that alert them to danger and […]

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Triple Threat: Krampus

The Krampus (sometimes called “Black Peter”) is a unique being that is sometimes thought to be a demon or elf who lost a bet with Father Christmas and is now forced to serve him as his terrifying enforcer, a job Krampus delights in. Along with the other Companions, he can only appear after December 1stand […]

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Designer’s Notes:Terry Toucan & the Puzzle Pals – The House of 10,000 Sock Monkeys!

My involvement in this article was mostly as a format checker and “crunch” meister. Though I did help J. hammer out some of the details. I spent maybe 10 hours total, with 0.5 hours writing, 5 hours editing/format-checking, 0 hours for research, and maybe another 4.5 hours of revision. I had a blast working with […]

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