The skull crab begins life as a tiny crustacean the size grain of rice and resemble large, bulky crabs when fully grown. They inhabit beaches, lakeshores, and other areas where land meets water. Skull crabs are voracious eaters and grow to full size in less than three weeks. Once at full size they look for […]
Continue readingTag Archives: Monster Hunters
The Hurt Locker: The Iugum Mark-7 Crossbow
In Pyramid #3/82: Magical Creations I wrote “The Hunter’s Reliquary” which gave Monster Hunters champions a new tool in their arsenal: relics. I didn’t have enough space for all relics, so here’s one of the leftovers… …if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingTriple Threat: Collected Posts I
Today’s post is one of my promised Patreon goals – a collection of my posts in a single PDF. It’s only accessible to my Patreon patrons (pledging or not!) who can go here to claim their prize. It is a current collection (as of 12/26/16) monster stat-blocks from the “Any Campaign” section of all Triple […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: The Raven Mocker
Note: In honor of the first annual “Blog or Treat!” I present a nasty monster from Native American mythology. Called the ka’lanu ahkyeli’ski (preferably during the day, in sunlight, never indoors, and away from any nearby shadows) the Raven Mocker is a horrific being form Cherokee legend (though it shows up in other tribes occasionally) that […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Contemporary Encounter – The Black Sun Road
In May 2013, a road construction crew destroyed the ancient Mayan pyramid of Noh Mul incurrent-day Belize. While those responsible feigned ignorance at what had happened, what ifit was something more? What if it had been intentionally planned? This article offers a quicksession starter for GMs in modern-day or contemporary campaigns. …if you’d like to […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Crocoroach
Crocoroach That’s right. It’s part insect, part reptile. It’s all nightmare. Maybe a wizard did it. Maybe a mad scientist. It doesn’t matter who did it you got to deal with it now, and really, that’s just not fair. The size of a small cat, the crocoroach is a consummate omnivorous scavenger. Usually found only […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Bloodroot
Note: This is the creation of Hal “Wavefunction” Batty – not my own. Thanks for the contribution, Hal! A Bloodroot is an enormous, tree-like creature. It main body consists of a broad tree trunk with two other trunks attached to the sides forming thick arms, jointed at the elbows, and ending in a mass of […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: May the Shadows Guide You
With “May the Shadows Guide You” I began to hit my stride. I’d half a dozen articles under my belt and a hit in Metatronic Generators (which is still fairly popular years later). The meat of this article actually hailed from a defunct fantasy campaign I ran. My significant other wanted to use GURPS Powers: […]
Continue readingGURPS101: More Bioenhancement Abilities for Monster Hunter Experiments III
Like the previous two installments, today’s Special is all about the experiment from GURPS MonsterHunters. With even more new abilities for experiments, between the three issues it’s practically a Power-Ups book for GURPS Monster Hunter experiments! ..if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! If you are already a patron click here for […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: The Wild Hunt
I don’t remember if I asked PK about it or if he asked me, but somehow we got to talking about GURPS Monster Hunters and faerie. I remember when I was playtesting the series originally that I raised this question and he told me he just didn’t have room. I asked if I could work the […]
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