Triple Threat – Gorillaphant

Note: Nymdok dared me to write this up…so I did. Deal with it. Gorillaphant Some madman’s twisted vision, the aptly named “gorillaphant” is part elephant and part gorilla. I think that about says it all. Any Campaign Setting… ST: 30             HP: 30            Speed: 6.00 DX: 12            Will: 12           Move: 7/14 IQ: 7  […]

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Triple Threat – Wendigo

Wendigo Wendigo are terrifying shapeshifters who were once human, but through accident or choice ate human flesh. Over time the more they ate the more they craved until eventually, they became inhuman creatures who only look like human beings – but only on the outside. Wendigo tend to travel alone or in pairs ­– more […]

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Designer’s Notes: The Department of Occult Defense

Even longer than “It’s a Trap!” (I wrote the first draft in April 2013), “The Department of Occult Defense” was rejected twice (for both Pyramid #3/59: Conspiracies and Pyramid #3/58: Urban Fantasy II), but finally ended up in this month’s Pyramid (Pyramid #3/73: Monster Hunters II) after a good long while in the stew point. I wrote it fairly […]

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Triple Threat – Gwyllgi

Gwyllgi Cu Sidhe (aka “fairy hounds”) are more or less immortal and can be found anywhere that the sidhe are found. For some sidhe who cannot afford to pay the Teind (their tithe to Hell) they sacrifice their beloved hounds instead of themselves. This results in a monstrous creature stuck somewhere between a Hellhound and […]

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