Like the previous installment, today’s Special is all about the experiment from GURPS MonsterHunters. With new abilities for your favorite Frankenstein or Prometheus person, whatcould possibly go wrong with making a monster… ..if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! If you are already a patron click here for the full article.
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Triple Threat: Hellwasp
Hellwasp These monstrous insects can grow upward to two feet long (not including a 6” to 12” stinger!) and are shades of mottled red and gold. It’s iridescent wings bioluminescence at night and is often confused with swamp gas emissions and/or St. Elmo’s fire. Since they prefer dark, humid environments they can often be found […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Monster Hunters Encounter – Seal and Stone
This quick encounter has a fast set-up and can be dropped into place in any Monster Hunters campaign. The players come across information that an actual Nephilim grave (giants who roamed the earth before the Biblical Flood) has been found. After some quick research they realize that the ancient creature has been bound to its […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Pointless Monster Hunting
As a poster pointed out in this thread, Pointless Monster Hunting was a huge piece with a large word count (though I admit – I just submit and let the editor decide what he wants to do). It was easily as large as Alternative Ritual Path Magic and as information dense. Luckily, I got to work off […]
Continue readingGURPS101: More Bioenhancement Abilities for Monster Hunter Experiments I
The Experiment template is one of the cooler ones in GURPS Monster Hunters in my opinion. They’ve got a wide-range of capabilities and have an “otherness” quality that can make them more fun to play than the inhuman if done right. But what is an experiment other than a collection of neat powers? So maybe […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Marrowsucker
Marrowsucker Marrowsuckers are large, salamander-like creatures that resemble komado dragons with hooked, needle-like teeth. Their long, whip-like tails end with a bony protrusion that the creatures habitually rake across hard surfaces (mostly rock) to sharpen. This protrusion is attached to a series of ligaments and biomechanical “gears” that allows for it to be […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Demonic Facade
Today’s special is similar to the previous patrons-only Triple Threat (the Whispermen) in that it came from an idea I had. Why do we wear masks? I know it dates back thousands of years, but why? What do masks do? Do they hide you from something? Or does it let you hide from everyone… …if […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: The Hunter’s Reliquary
I’ve actually had this article cooking for quite a while (early September 2013), it was one of those that could just never have a home found for it. I shopped it around and eventually it made it’s way into Pyramid #3/82: Magical Creations. The writing was actually fairly easy and I’d knocked it out in […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Abattoirian
AbattoirianAbattoirians are the nightmarish result of three or more dead bodies fusing together into one hideous creature. Standing between seven and eight foot tall, they are a humanoid being made of a mishmash body parts where smooth skin should be. This might result in an extra head being embedded in the torso or arms sticking […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Pulp Hunters!
My third article ever published had lots of editorial issues, but I was in for some serious OJT. It was also the first time I had a lot of outtakes of material I just couldn’t use. It was a labor of love for me because I really dig the various source material that Monster Hunters draws from […]
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