Guest Post by Hal “Wavefunction” Batty I have a confession to make, I’ve never played or run a session of Dungeon Fantasy, and yet I own every single book and Pyramid article on the subject. That’s partly because I’m an obsessive GURPS hoarder, but I do have a particular fascination for Dungeon Fantasy. I’ve read each book […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Dungeon Fantasy Sharpshooters
Guest Post by Merlin Avery (check out his blog here!) The crossbow is quite a deadly weapon that appears in a great many fantasy works. Dungeon Fantasy leaves few templates that incorporate heavy use of the crossbow. The sharpshooter not only makes heavy use of the crossbow, it is the focus of the template. Sharpshooter […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Ethical Axes for Dungeon Fantasy
For some Dungeon Fantasy campaigns it might make sense to keep track of the sorts of acts adelver does (especially those that make use of social traits more than is typical). This is a classicstaple of “old school gaming” with holier than thou art clerics and sneaky evil rogues. …if you’d like to read more, […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter is Now Live
So the new Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter is now live. Go back it. Seriously. If you love RPGs at all, this is the work of a master ( +Sean Punch ) – go get it. I have no idea what’s in it, but I do know that it’s written by Sean and that means it will be amazing. Note, […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: Dungeon Fantasy Boxed Set Kickstarter Announced
So it’s official: GURPS is sticking its toes into the Kickstarter pool. This. Is. Amazing. News. Seriously. Amazing. If you are a fan of GURPS and have complained over the years about Steve Jackson Games not using a Kickstarter to fund products for their RPG line now is the time to nut up or shut up. Even […]
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: Tangler Pistol
So recently someone posted about the “goo guns” from the Incredibles on the forums. Since that is one of my favorite superhero flicks of all time I decided to poke at the idea of building a “goo gun” using metatronic generators. New Binding ModifiersFirst, some new modifiers for Binding (p. B40): Cosmic, Enhanced Layering: This Cosmic […]
Continue readingAeon A-Team S01E01 – We Are Sentry
Dramatis PersonaeAysella Shinjitai aka Marionette (played by +Ann LS): a telekinetic who can detect Kyberian Energy, and boost or dampen other metahuman powers.Hobs Ini-Herit aka The Alchemist (played by +Christian Gelacio): a straight-up matter controller with super-strength and devastating good looks.Roth Reynard aka Red Zone (played by +Troy Loy): a super-genius with flame powers and a fear of heights.Samuel Donick aka […]
Continue readingAeon A-Team S00E02 – When the Towers Fell
Dramatis PersonaeAysella Shinjitai aka Marionette (played by +Ann LS): a telekinetic who can detect Kyberian Energy, and boost or dampen other metahuman powers.Hobs Ini-Herit aka The Alchemist (played by +Christian Gelacio): a straight-up matter controller with super-strength and devastating good looks.Roth Reynard aka Red Zone (played by +Troy Loy): a super-genius with flame powers and a fear of heights.Samuel Donick aka […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Building Player Characters to the Concept
One thing that I pretty much always do in all games I run is building player characters “to the concept” vs. “on a point budget.” As you can imagine, this threw some of my players in my Aeon campaign for a loop. Matter of fact, one player said: “Wait, you want me to build this […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Illusion-Casting
“Are you ever not going to fall for that?”— Loki, The Avengers (2012) The Illusion advantage (GURPS Powers, p. 94) is probably one of those things that should have been in the Basic Set, but wasn’t. Illusion as Pieces Parts:So what does Illusion do and how does it do it? This requires a Concentrate maneuver to […]
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