Sometimes it’s a trap and you don’t know that you know. Sometimes it’s a trap and you knowthat you know. Sometimes it’s a trap and you don’t know that you know. Basically, sometimesyou need a trap to spring on your players and you don’t want to take the time to roll it up.Here’s twelve traps […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Purveyors of the Priceless
Purveyors of the Priceless originally started out as “What the heck do I write for Low-Tech III?” I didn’t get involved in the previous Low-Tech issue because I felt it was extremely far out of my comfort zone (which led to issues with Purveyors itself – I felt I needed to come up with some […]
Continue readingMelee Academy: Hostile Diplomatic Relations (or “How to Disarm With Words Instead of Swords”)
“Drop. Your. Sword.” If there is anything more iconographic of a threat resulting in the disarmament of an opponent it’s the near final scene of Princess Bride. In my mind, there’s not much more powerful than the moment where Wesley/The Man in Black has nothing left to fight with but his wit and it’s more […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: It’s Been an Aeon…
My new campaign setting, Aeon, has proven to be quite interesting. The base idea of the setting is the question “What if superpowers became real one day?” It’s not a particularly novel idea. But it became more (and I can’t really discuss what I mean by this – because my players read this blog) the […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: 2015 – A Year In Review
Like my last two years in review. Here are how things went for me in 2015: The Good (What I did well or that went well) I was published in Pyramid a lot this year: #3/75: Hero’s Jackpot (5/5 stars), #3/76: Dungeon Fantasy IV (4.5/5 stars), #3/77: Combat (4.5/5 stars), #3/78: Unleash Your Soul (5/5 stars), #3/79: Space […]
Continue readingGURPS101: More Bioenhancement Abilities for Monster Hunter Experiments II
Like the previous installment, today’s Special is all about the experiment from GURPS MonsterHunters. With new abilities for your favorite Frankenstein or Prometheus person, whatcould possibly go wrong with making a monster… ..if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! If you are already a patron click here for the full article.
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: The Power of the Soul
Recently a poster on the forums asked: “I was wondering how someone would model soul stealing spells and creating soul gems (that function basically the same way as Mana-stones). I don’t see any spells, besides maybe soul jar, that represent ripping the soul of of a being and converting its energy into a Mana-stone.I was also […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Dungeon Fantasy Encounter – Battle at Bloodfire Falls
Sometimes a Dungeon Fantasy GM just needs a quick boss encounter. It doesn’t necessarilyhave to be anything special, just something tough for the players with decent loot at the end.Well look no more! Here’s a quick encounter with “fun” Elder Things and some already rolledtreasure. With new traps, monsters, and diseases what else could a […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Vehicle Imbuements
GURPS Power-Ups 1: Imbuments is one of those books that is so simple and yet so ridiculously complex. It lends itself quite well to just about any campaign frame as it can be easily explained as belonging to whatever supernatural or cinematic abilities are available in the setting. What’s more Imbuements are extremely easy to expand […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Hellwasp
Hellwasp These monstrous insects can grow upward to two feet long (not including a 6” to 12” stinger!) and are shades of mottled red and gold. It’s iridescent wings bioluminescence at night and is often confused with swamp gas emissions and/or St. Elmo’s fire. Since they prefer dark, humid environments they can often be found […]
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