Aeon A-Team S00E02 – When the Towers Fell

Dramatis PersonaeAysella Shinjitai aka Marionette (played by +Ann LS): a telekinetic who can detect Kyberian Energy, and boost or dampen other metahuman powers.Hobs Ini-Herit aka The Alchemist (played by +Christian Gelacio): a straight-up matter controller with super-strength and devastating good looks.Roth Reynard aka Red Zone (played by +Troy Loy): a super-genius with flame powers and a fear of heights.Samuel Donick aka […]

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GURPS101: Illusion-Casting

“Are you ever not going to fall for that?”— Loki, The Avengers (2012) The Illusion advantage (GURPS Powers, p. 94) is probably one of those things that should have been in the Basic Set, but wasn’t. Illusion as Pieces Parts:So what does Illusion do and how does it do it? This requires a Concentrate maneuver to […]

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GURPS101: Injury Resistance

In GURPS there are three forms of damage: basic damage, penetrating damage, and injury. Basic damage is the amount rolled on the dice for the attack, penetrating damage is the amount after applying Damage Resistance and other protections (e.g., Injury Tolerance), and injury is the total amount of hit points you suffered from that attack. […]

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Boil and Bubble: Water Elementalism Magical Style

GURPS Thaumatology: Magical Styles presents an interesting way to spice up your campaigns.With it you can create flavorful magical methodologies for your campaigns using standardGURPS Magic. The following style assumes that you can only learn one magical elementalstyle or have a capacity to learn multiple styles (which is rarer). …if you’d like to read more, […]

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The Hurt Locker: Spoiled and Rurnt

So I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and realistically – which After the End is not – batteries, ammo, etc. would have spoiled a long while back. Batteries will likely last twenty years at most and that’s being optimistic. Gunpowder eventually does go bad. MREs eventually go bad. Everything eventually becomes spoiled or […]

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