Carpe Blogiem: When Is a Dungeon Fantasy Campaign No Longer A Dungeon Fantasy Campaign?, Part I

Oddly enough, running Dungeon Fantasy demos are my local game store and my hacked-together version have given me a bit of insight into the series like nothing else ever has. At first, Aersalus was just supposed to be a straight-up Dungeon Fantasy campaign with all the normal rules and races and the beer and pretzel approach. […]

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Boil and Bubble: Words of Creation

Logos (sometimes referred to as “power words” or “prime words”) are the literal words of Creation itself. Logos are the selfsame words that were spoke in the making of the universe. Despite having such a divine provenance they can be learned by mortal men and women who have sufficient strength of will…. …if you’d like to read more, […]

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Triple Threat: Abattoirian

AbattoirianAbattoirians are the nightmarish result of three or more dead bodies fusing together into one hideous creature. Standing between seven and eight foot tall, they are a humanoid being made of a mishmash body parts where smooth skin should be. This might result in an extra head being embedded in the torso or arms sticking […]

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