Guest Post by S. A. Fisher A continuation of the previous post (Part I is here) on a new variety of Artificer; the ironmonger. The Forge and Bellows Once he has basic tools and fuel, the ironmonger will also need a forge and bellows. Bellows: the simplest bellows for a portable forge are bag bellows. These […]
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: Forging in the Dungeon, Part I
Guest Post by S. A. Fisher The Artificer template in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy: Sages serves as the dungeon delving party’s engineer – it’s his job to use technology to overcome the party’s challenges. The ironmonger is a specific type of engineer detailed in this post. His most potent weapon for this purpose is his use […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Low-Tech Transportation
First, let me preface this with the following: Steven Marsh was even more of a freaking hero than normal. That man is the Patron Saint of Long-Suffering Editorial Work. Seriously, we need to get him canonized or something. I turned in a draft that could have been better, but the timeline just wouldn’t allow it. […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Dungeon Fantasy Sharpshooter Power-Ups
Guest Post by +Hal Batty aka Wavefunction A while back, while constructing some styles, I came up with a few different techniques for crossbow users, so after seeing Merlin’s super cool Sharpshooter template, found here, I had no choice but to write some power-ups for it. Sharpshooter Power-UpsSharpshooter power-ups focus on precision and power. Arm ST (Both […]
Continue readingAeon A-Team S01E03 – We Are Everywhere
Dramatis PersonaeAysella Shinjitai aka Marionette (played by +Ann LS): a telekinetic who can detect Kyberian Energy, and boost or dampen other metahuman powers.Hobs Ini-Herit aka The Alchemist (played by +Christian Gelacio): a straight-up matter controller with super-strength and devastating good looks.Roth Reynard aka Red Zone (played by +Troy Loy): a super-genius with flame powers and a fear of heights.Samuel Donick aka […]
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: Mana Bucklers for Dungeon Fantasy
Guest Post by Kalzazz Mana Bucklers are usually a fancy, heavy gem marked bracelet traced in magical runes. Unless worn by a mage this is all they are. When worn by a mage the Mana Buckler can be activated by a simple ritual, using either a Concentrate maneuver or an IQ based ‘Fast Draw Mana Buckler’ roll. This consumes […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Dungeon Fantasising III
Guest Post by (E) a.k.a Euan Hastie So you are new to GURPS and you are planning on running a Dungeon Fantasy game? This tells me two things, first off you will probably make a few mistakes and secondly you want to see what GURPS can do. I know I usually make a few mistakes […]
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: Iron Rations – A Compleat Guide to Victualing in Ye Olde Dungeon, Part II
Guest Post by S. A. Fisher Continuing my post from before, I have some more goodies for the inquiring delver! Staples More seasoned adventurers will skip the expense and novelty of the iron rations and so forth and simply buy food in bulk. Adventurers can certainly get by on iron ration levels of food for […]
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: Iron Rations – A Compleat Guide to Victualing in Ye Olde Dungeon, Part I
Guest Post by S. A. FisherFor many dungeon delvers, the goal is simple: kick in the door, fight the monster, and loot the room. Rinse and repeat. For them, a week’s worth of “iron rations” and a water skin is more than enough detail to account for how they survive on their adventures outside of […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Incantation Magic – Mirage Maimer
A classic Dungeons and Dragons spell converted to use with my new Dungeon Fantasy book: GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 19: Incantation Magic. Mirage Maimer Spell Effects: Control Mesmerism + Destroy Mesmerism + Destroy Transfiguration. Inherent Modifiers: Bestows a Penalty, Fright Checks + Damage, External Impaling. Skill Penalty: The lower of Path of Mesmerism and Destroy Transfiguration‑6. Casting Time: 1 hour. This spell creates an image in the target’s […]
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