The Hurt Locker: Iron Rations – A Compleat Guide to Victualing in Ye Olde Dungeon, Part I

Guest Post by S. A. FisherFor many dungeon delvers, the goal is simple: kick in the door, fight the monster, and loot the room. Rinse and repeat. For them, a week’s worth of “iron rations” and a water skin is more than enough detail to account for how they survive on their adventures outside of […]

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Boil and Bubble: Incantation Magic – Mirage Maimer

A classic Dungeons and Dragons spell converted to use with my new Dungeon Fantasy book: GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 19: Incantation Magic.  Mirage Maimer Spell Effects: Control Mesmerism + Destroy Mesmerism + Destroy Transfiguration. Inherent Modifiers: Bestows a Penalty, Fright Checks + Damage, External Impaling. Skill Penalty:  The lower of Path of Mesmerism and Destroy Transfiguration‑6. Casting Time: 1 hour. This spell creates an image in the target’s […]

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Gamemaster’s Guidepost: Beyond the Hack n’ Slash

Guest Post by +Alex Raymond Dungeon Fantasy is, for many, a synonym for RPGs altogether. The whole concept of a skilled party that scourges through catacombs and bandits for a greater goal is no stranger to anyone slightly acquainted with roleplaying games. GURPS presents us with the blessed versatility and genericity that we all learned to […]

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Boil and Bubble: Incantation Magic – Rainbow Spray

A classic Dungeons and Dragons spell converted to use with my new Dungeon Fantasy book: GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 19: Incantation Magic.  Rainbow Spray Spell Effects: Create Elementalism x 3. Inherent Modifiers: Afflictions, Blindness; Beam Effect (see below); Bestows a Penalty, Resistance rolls to this spell. Skill Penalty:  Path of Elementalism‑20. Casting Time: 30 minutes. This spell […]

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Gamemaster’s Guidepost: What Makes Dungeon Fantasy Special, Part II

Guest Post by +Antoni Ten Monrós Continued from his earlier post, Toni continues talking about what makes Dungeon Fantasy special. GURPS Characters are DiverseGURPS is not constrained by classes or level. Dungeon Fantasy has templates, but the biggest difference between templates and actual classes is that classes give define your character’s abilities, while templates give you suggestions […]

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Gamemaster’s Guidepost: What Makes Dungeon Fantasy Special, Part I

Guest Post by Antoni Ten Monros Steve Jackson Games is running the “Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game, Powered by GURPS” Kickstarter, and one of the questions you often get, is why? Why use GURPS to handle dungeon delving games, when the 800-pound gorilla of the industry, D&D, and it’s (retro)clones have that market niche well covered? What does […]

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