So I’ve been using Sorcery a lot in my campaigns lately. (Even in my RPM-using campaigns as it makes perfect “quick” spells.) I saw this thread pop up and thought “Huh, this would be perfect for stating a ‘Bless’ spell for Sorcery.” So here it is – “Bless” as a Sorcery spell. Constructing a Universal […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Decomplicating Combat
As it oft times happens to me, a conversation can inspire a whole blog post. In this case a conversation with +Kyle Norton is the huckleberry. He asked “How do you deal with something like someone with Extra Attack 2 and Altered Time Rate 4 or a necromancer with a horde of minions?” And it’s really a […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Power Reserve Magic
I had an interesting conversation with +GodBeastX the other day about how I might go about creating a magical system that would be good at creating a “combo-chain.” I totally misinterpreted what he said and the conversation devolved into other methodologies on how to do what he wanted. But it sparked an idea of my own. So […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Playing With High Point Totals
Sigh. Ok. The following blog post is going to sound equal parts preachy, derisive, and ranty (the last is my favorite dwarf from Snow White – he looks like Lewis Black and is just as pissy). For that, I’m sorry. I’m pretty sure I’m going to manage to offend someone out there who believes that […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: Aeon Team Rosters – Part II
As promised by prophecy the next installment of how things are going – this time for the current most long-running campaign in Aeon: The B-Team. Additionally, since I’ve had a few folks ask me about why I demarcate game sessions into “Seasons” and want an explanation I wanted to give one. Basically, the way I typically […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Contemporary Encounter – The Black Sun Road
In May 2013, a road construction crew destroyed the ancient Mayan pyramid of Noh Mul incurrent-day Belize. While those responsible feigned ignorance at what had happened, what ifit was something more? What if it had been intentionally planned? This article offers a quicksession starter for GMs in modern-day or contemporary campaigns. …if you’d like to […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Wildcard Races
There are wildcard skills (p. B175), wildcard powers (GURPS Supers, p. 41), and (recently)wildcard techniques (Pyramid #3/61 Way of the Warrior, p. 7), but not races… But really,what would such a trait do… …if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: Gear Repositories for What’s In a Lair?
After one of my C-Team players for my Aeon campaign noted the lack of armories or “gadget” rooms in my rules for “What’s in a Lair?” I came up with some rules on the spot, but that got me thinking: Maybe some other folks could use this too. New Fixture: Gear Repository Varies A room […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: Aeon Team Rosters – Part I
I’ve been a busy little beaver – and if my keyboard hand’t crapped out on me at the beginning of the month I’d’ve had a lot more done. As it stands, I feel pretty good at the state of my campaign (s). I’ve add another team to the roster (C-Team) and I’ve almost completed everything […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Codex Duello
Codex Duello was one of those things that came out of a “I wonder if I could…” after a conversation that started in Pyramid Write Club and degenerated into a off-list email conversation with +Douglas Cole. Doug thought that Control Points from GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling might be more broadly applicable elsewhere. I just happened to […]
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