Gamemaster’s Guidepost: Contemporary Encounter – The Black Sun Road

In May 2013, a road construction crew destroyed the ancient Mayan pyramid of Noh Mul incurrent-day Belize. While those responsible feigned ignorance at what had happened, what ifit was something more? What if it had been intentionally planned? This article offers a quicksession starter for GMs in modern-day or contemporary campaigns. …if you’d like to […]

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GURPS101: Wildcard Races

There are wildcard skills (p. B175), wildcard powers (GURPS Supers, p. 41), and (recently)wildcard techniques (Pyramid #3/61 Way of the Warrior, p. 7), but not races… But really,what would such a trait do… …if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.

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Designer’s Notes: Codex Duello

Codex Duello was one of those things that came out of a “I wonder if I could…” after a conversation that started in Pyramid Write Club and degenerated into a off-list email conversation with +Douglas Cole. Doug thought that Control Points from GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling might be more broadly applicable elsewhere. I just happened to […]

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