Dramatis PersonaeAlexander Griffith aka Singularity (played by +Natiel Leealexander): a starving college student who moonlights as a private detective and a “failed” superhero (he was one of the first back in 2000). After his partner died he burned his costume Aysella Shinjitai aka Marionette (played by +Ann LS): a telekinetic who can detect Kyberian Energy, use telepathy, and boost or dampen […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: GURPS Discord
Happy GURPSday! So +Mook Wilson has talked about GURPS Discord on his blog and now I have to do the same. The unofficial GURPS Discord Channel is incredibly useful. There are dozens of users now and I’m not afraid to say I’m one of them. I signed onto the server as soon as Mook put up the link […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Leeches, Vampires, and Succubi (Oh, my!)
“Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make.”— Bram Stoker, Dracula (1897) The Leech advantage (GURPS Powers, p. 96) is the more generalized version of the Vampiric Bite advantage (p. B96) that appeared in the Basic Set. (Buckle your seatbelts up kiddies because this is a long post. Note I’m intentionally ignore the Vampiric Bite […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Mask of Humanity
“The Mask of Humanity” began as “Parting the Veil.” It spent almost 4 years on my harddrive (longer than any other “finished and submitted” but unpublished articles I currently have) collecting dust. I’ve hinted at its existence on the forums dozens of times since then. It contains lots of little gems people asked for many […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: The Dungeon Grappling Kickstarter
So this is a first. I’m going to talk about non–GURPS on my blog for a change. In this case, the various flavors of popular Dungeons and Dragons. (Fair warning – I plan on getting into DnD5e next years so this is likely the first of such posts). The reason I want to talk about this […]
Continue readingGURPS101: More Psychic Vampirism Powers for Psionic Powers
Continuing my series of “Hey, let’s pad out GURPS Psionic Powers!” Today’s entry is all about psychic vampires. Yeah, they’re creepy and their powers are too, but no one can deny how useful they are… …if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingGURPS101: More Cyberpsi Powers for Psionic Powers
One of the things that’s always fascinated me about the fictional portrayal of electrokinesis is that some users can power machines with their abilities. GURPS can do this by emulating the Create advantage – but it takes a little legwork.,, …if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the […]
Continue readingAeon A-Team S01E04 – And We Will Not Forsake You
Dramatis PersonaeAysella Shinjitai aka Marionette (played by +Ann LS): a telekinetic who can detect Kyberian Energy, and boost or dampen other metahuman powers.Hobs Ini-Herit aka The Alchemist (played by +Christian Gelacio): a straight-up matter controller with super-strength and devastating good looks.Roth Reynard aka Red Zone (played by +Troy Loy): a super-genius with flame powers and a fear of heights.Samuel Donick aka […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Chained and Contiguous Innate Attacks
I’ve let this simmer for a while so I could think about it a bit more, but a forumite recently asked how to create an attack that would leap from one target to the next. Over the years, there have been a few attempts to make this sort of enhancement for innate attacks. I think there […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Incantation Magic – Skulls and Masks
Blog or Treat! Today is GURPSday and I’ve got two new holiday-themed spells for incantors. Skull Bomb Spell Effects: Create Necromancy. Inherent Modifiers: Damage, External Corrosion. Skill Penalty: Path of Necromancy‑8. Casting Time: 10 minutes. This spell turns an ordinary skull into an explosive device. This spell uses the rules for Conditional Spells (Incantation Magic, p. 20). When thrown […]
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