One of the things I rather liked about Dungeons and Dragons 3.0 was the “0th level” Apprentice rules. I got to thinking the other night…how could I do that in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy? I thought at first I could just use the Mixed Professions rules toned down…but then I had another idea… Optional Rule: Races & […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Lens for Multi-Professions – Flying Blade
Fiction is chock full of examples where the hero throws a knife and sticks it in the bad guy and he falls over dead. In GURPS…not so much. Today’s GURPS101 is about emulating that badassitude. Throw a knife. Bad guy falls over. Or, in this case, throw a knife, monster falls over, take it’s stuff… …if you’d like […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Pulp Hunters!
My third article ever published had lots of editorial issues, but I was in for some serious OJT. It was also the first time I had a lot of outtakes of material I just couldn’t use. It was a labor of love for me because I really dig the various source material that Monster Hunters draws from […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Apocalypse Features
The post-apocalyptic genre has been steadily gaining popularity in recent years. It was a huge thing during the cold war and about 30 years before that, but waned for a while. Now it’s back and in full measure in pop culture. TV shows like Adventure Time, Revolution, The 100, The Walking Dead (and this summer, […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Wealth as an Attribute
Nathan “Crackerjakk” Joy asked me a couple of weeks back what I thought about Wealth as an attribute. I gave him a couple of answers that settled his questions and he in turn gave me a few ideas. Wealth as an attribute…what an interesting concept. It’s not novel. In fact, it’s been done a couple of times in […]
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: Drones and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Just a few decades ago, planes without a pilot were science fiction. Now they are everywhere. Known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or “drones,” these aircraft can be easily bought in a store or online for a couple hundred dollars (well, the commercial versions, not the actual war machines). Yet they’ve also changed how we fight wars […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Expanded Psychokinesis
My second published article was a bloody mess. It’s STILL full of mistakes, messed up grammar, and spelling errors. I take it out and look at it when I’m feeling that my work is “good enough” so that I go back to my current work and step up the game. The ideas are still solid […]
Continue readingGURPS101: It Ain’t Heavy, It’s my Shield
I’m not sure where I got the idea (I’d attribute it if I could), but someone asked why shields didn’t have a minimum ST requirement like other handheld weapons did. That’s actually a really good question. From a game design perspective I understand why it’s been done the way it’s done in GURPS. Think about it, […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: #SJGames Live with Sean and Steven
You need to be watching this! WATCH IT!
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: It’s Pure Chemistry!
My first published article…man, that brings back memories (good and bad). I’d originally pitched an article to Steven for Epic Magic, but a bunch of life issues happened and made that impossible. It was in that crucible that some of my writing habits were formed (write it on my own time being the chief among […]
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