Sometimes you just need to drop a location into your game that’s already ready to go. It doesn’t mean a GM is ill-prepared, but he can’t predict every player character action. So what’s he to do? Well, GURPS has quite a few supplements out there that can detail specific locations, but what about smaller areas? […]
Continue readingTriple threat: Nemean Lion
This huge lion was the scourge of Nemea until Hercules killed it. Unable to be harmed by mortal weapons, it took Hercules great strength to snap the creature’s neck. Afterward, he’d skinned the beast with one of its own claws and wore it on the rest of his labors. In GURPS, “invincibility” is not something […]
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: The Golden Monk
Self-mummification is a real (and kind of squicky) practice. But what could possibly be better fodder for a RPG MacGuffin then a statue of a dead monk covered in gold? The following uses generic terms that could fit into any sort of campaign. DescriptionResembling a man sitting in the lotus position, the Golden Monk is […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Aurumvorax
“A is for aurumvorax and that’s good enough for me!” Aurumvorax (plural aurumvorai? aurumvoraxes? aurumvorae? aurumvorax?) are nasty critters that snack on metal like a junkie on smack. Isn’t that fun? Hell yes it is. Originally appearing in the Expedition to the Barrier Peaks and has since been reprinted any number of times. When I […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: The Whispermen
Today’s Triple Threat is something from the Nightmare File (the place where I note all the scary critters I dream about) combined with a thought I had while people-watching (a favorite pastime). “Why do crowds suddenly become silent?” It was just an idle thought at the time, but I had a dream that night that […]
Continue readingMelee Academy: Speed Kills
Like most things in life, rapidity is often advantageous. In combat, speed is almost all that matters. Put bluntly: Speed kills. In GURPS, if you are fast enough, skilled enough, or coordinated enough you can pull off some amazing things. The Basic Set combat system gives you several “standard” methods of attacking (All-Out Attack, Attack, and Move and […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: I Put a Spell on You
Note: I commented on a forum thread about the Cursed disadvantage a while back and though I’m loathe to do a lot of cross-posting, I think this is one of the times I just swallow that bitter pill and do it. I’ve added a bit to my thoughts from there. “Soooo… you’re that brave bastard […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: My Gamemaster’s Kit
+Mook Wilson is one of those lovely people you meet on the Internet and wish to Glob that he lived in your area – or at least visited every once and a while. He’s just a genuinely nice guy. He posted this very cool link of his GM kit on his website. On Facebook someone mentioned […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Magical Styles – Demonology
My last installment of magical styles was almost a year ago. The post did prove popular, but I didn’t get back to this until now. Mostly because I’ve been really busy and this sort of intense article requires a lot of research and precise planning – styles take time to make the right way and […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: The Art of Creating Critters
One thing I love to do is create, adapt, or improvise new monsters, creatures, or critters for my players to combat. When you’re just making something up you don’t really need to do anything but what your imagination dictates. But adapting things from mythology or fiction can be a bit harder. How much DR should […]
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