To help push (and celebrate!) the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Games Magic Items 2 kickstarter I’m going to release 1 new or converted magic item per day until the kickstarter closes. Here is the fourth one: yet another artifact from my Aersalus campaign setting. Potion of Rejuvenation Power Item: N/A Suggested Origins: Magic and Materials. Contained within a […]
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Dungeon Fantasy Aersalus – B-Team – Session 14
Dramatis Personae Sir Brazhul Adross, Revenant Knight (350 points) (played by Merlin A.): TBA. Tagline: “TBA” Gaffer, Gremian Artificer (428 points) (played by Christopher D.): Boom Squirrel. Tagline: “Stop damaging your gear! I’m the one that has to repair it.” Galen Fallowhide, Halfling Scholar (Physick)/Cleric of Healing (385 points) (player by Christian G.): He’s a doctor (but not […]
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: Spell Container
To help push (and celebrate!) the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Games Magic Items 2 kickstarter I’m going to release 1 new or converted magic item per day until the kickstarter closes. Here is the first one: my take on a Dungeons and Dragons ring of spell storing. Spell Container Power Item: 25 FP Suggested Origins: Cosmic, Divine, Druidic, or […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Chevaliers and Commanders
My last article. The last article I would write for Pyramid . . . was not written completely by myself. I co-write it with Hal “Wavefunction” Batty. In actuality, I had written the chevalier as standalone article with lots of mount choices, new gear, and more power-ups that were not in the final draft then I […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Dungeon Fantasy Tropes – The Unarmored Caster
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy is the essence of the delving, dragons, and dungeons (in my humble opinion of course). The original Dungeons and Dragons had some interesting tropes (fight’n cleric, lightly armored rogue, etc.). Today I’m talking about one of my favorites: the unarmored caster. . . . . . if you’d like to read more, […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Deconstruction of True Faith
So how does True Faith break down? True Faith as Pieces Parts So exactly what does this trait do and how does it do it? You have access to skills (such as Exorcism) or other traits that require the character be considered “holy.” You can cause creatures opposed to your deity’s ethics/morality to flee […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: The Dungeon Fantasy RPG Monsters 2 Kickstarter
*exhales* Ok. I think I’m ready to chat about this a bit. First, if you don’t know Steve Jackson Games has a new kickstarter for the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game. It’s here. You should back it. I’ve backed it (because of course I backed it). So first, let’s talk about the campaign. On the surface […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: The Devil’s Tongue and Clacker Zombies
The devil’s tongue plant (also called a konjakk) is a large broad-leaf plant whose stamen is a dark red; almost brown the color of dried blood. Its base forms a cone-like structure that can reach up to six feet across and is of a similar color. Konjakk is highly avoided because of one of its […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Therasal
Therasal (or stone quills as they are more commonly called) are a strange mixture of badger, pangolin, porcupine, and canine with eight legs, octagonal scales, long spines, and a fuzzy down in places where their armor does not fully overlap. Their sharply pointed ears have fine tufts of fur that alert them to danger and […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Krampus
The Krampus (sometimes called “Black Peter”) is a unique being that is sometimes thought to be a demon or elf who lost a bet with Father Christmas and is now forced to serve him as his terrifying enforcer, a job Krampus delights in. Along with the other Companions, he can only appear after December 1stand […]
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