GURPS Dungeon Fantasy martial artists require broad attributes, investment in special skills or advantages, and all on a limited budget. Despite that, playing one is cool and within the genre. The following adds more options to the budding martial artist’s repertoire. . . . . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! […]
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GURPS101: Dungeon Fantasy Assassin Power-Ups II
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy assassins are one of my favorite templates – so here are a few power-ups to give them some more legs in combat. . . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingGURPS101: Dungeon Fantasy Knight Power-Ups II
The knight template in Dungeon Fantasy is a template of many hats. It can be your tank, your leader, your tactician, and so on. Here’s a new power-up for knights who are in the latter camp. A good tactician can mean life or death for a delving party . . . . . . if […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Dungeon Fantasy Assassin Power-Ups
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy assassins can use all the oomph they can get. Here are a few new power-ups to help with that . . . . . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: It’s an Encounter!
This article was such a struggle to write. I was dealing with personal problems at the time, and the timeline to write it was abou 13 days (fully revised and edited). I’ve worked with more difficult deadlines and projects, but other factors were not in play at the time. I knew what I wanted, but […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: The Hand of the Demon
The Hand of the Demon . . . I’d managed to get involved in all three DFRPG Pyramid-specific issues – this being the third one – and I wanted to do an adventure. (For the record, I enjoy writing adventures, I just don’t see them selling or being received well, so I don’t tend to […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Quick and Dirty Travel Spells for DFRPG
Guest Post by Kalzazz The Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game has some rather elaborate rules for overland travel, including uses for Survival, Navigation, Weather Sense, and many other skills, oh my. It does not however include particularly convenient rules for the use of spells during said travel, despite including spells such as Quick March, Create Food, and […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Dungeon Fantasy Combat Power-Ups
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy characters all have some measure of combat capability, here are a few new power-ups to expand that capability. . . . . . if you’d like to read more, consider becoming a patron! Note: the link to the actual content for patrons is here.
Continue readingDungeon Fantasy Aersalus – C-Team – Session 12
Dramatis Personae Hópgehnást “Keel-Breaker” Nihtbealumann, Beastly Minotaur Barbarian (404 points) (played by +Emily Smirle): TBA. Tagline: “TBA.” Kulvar Rholdun Uldar, Old-Blood Human Scholar/Artificer (Alchemist)/Wizard (0 points) (played by +Travis Ellis): TBA. Tagline: “TBA.” Nergui, Half-Orc Scout (395 points) (played by +Josh Burton): TBA. Tagline: “TBA” Rashi Talonfurr, Human Cleric of Fire (404 points) (played by […]
Continue readingDungeon Fantasy Aersalus – B-Team – Session 5
Dramatis Personae Fyadhiel, Elven Scout (386 points) (played by +Douglas Cole): An elvish warmaster sent on a quest to be more humane. It’s not working. Tagline: “Just Damn Better than you.” Gaffer, Gremian Artificer (428 points) (played by +Christopher D.): Boom Squirrel. Tagline: “Stop damaging your gear! I’m the one that has to repair it.” Galen […]
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