Oddly enough, my Tuesday post about Judo Throw got a lot of hits and quite a few comments (both here and on the forums). One of the comments sparked my imagination was by Peter Dell’Orto: “By the way, tossing someone into a table is a clear case of “Kiss the Wall” and it’s that […]
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Melee Academy: Variant Judo Throw I
I’ve made a living pushing people around – no, I’m not a bully, but I used to be a bouncer. Nowadays I use my powers for (mostly) good, but once upon a time I could grab a grown man off his feet and hurl him backwards and onto his backside. I’m not much of […]
Continue readingThe Hurt Locker: How to Build a Hand of Glory
Note: In this post I’ll be reiterating a post I made on the Steve Jackson Games Forums (I’m putting it out there for my subscribers and a wider audience in general). It makes use of the rules for Metatronic Generators. The Hand of Glory is a powerful occult artifact. Made from a dismembered human hand […]
Continue readingTriple Threat – Gullinbursti
Note: Gullinbursti is a creature of Norse myth, this is my take on it. “Sindri laid a pigskin in the hearth and bade Brokkr blow, and did not cease work until he took out of the hearth that which he had laid therein. But when he went out of the smithy, while the other dwarf was […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Metagame Traits or Impulse Buys?
“It’s all in the reflexes!” Maybe, most likely on your character sheet it’s “all in Ridiculous Luck.” GURPS has quite a few “metagaming” character traits that allow you (the player) the ability to influence a character’s outcomes. Call it Player Agency, “being the star,” or whatever – having these traits allow you to change the narrative […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: Cthulhu Mythos Spells, Part II
So here are some more Ritual Path Magic Mythos-flavored spells – enjoy. More Mythos Spells Here are a couple more Mythos spells for use in other campaigns, see here for more information on designing Mythos spells. If yo’d like to read more, head on over to my Patreon and become a patron yourself!
Continue readingGURPS101: How to build a Technopath
By the RAW, the way you create technopath in GURPS is by taking some powers from Machine Telepathy (see GURPS Powers, p. 130) or Cyberpsi (see GURPS Psionic Powers, p. 30) – but what if you want more? Inspired by this recent thread (the second one to pop up in as many months) I weighed […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: 10th Anniversary of GURPS 4th Edition
Today, is a special day for us GURPSers, today is the tenth birthday of GURPS, the previous edition was printed in 1988, and the first and second in 1986. That’s some heady stuff right there for a gamer, especially considering that other game systems (*cough* Dungeons and Dragons *cough*) have been through six editions since then – […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: I’m On the Hunt and After You…
I read about this over on +Douglas Cole‘s blog and it got me thinking: Over on Google+ and the RPG Stack Exchange, +Jeff Demers was asking for help on how to set up a encounter where the players were being hunted. I’ve done this scenario so much in my twenty odd years of GMing I can do it […]
Continue readingBoil and Bubble: A GM’s Guide to Ritual Path Magic Spell Creation
Gamemastering Ritual Path magic can be slightly taxing for new users of the system. Despite it’s nuts and bolts approach to magic and its balanced nature it does require one thing to work well: GM knowledge of the system. Considering that the original system was published in eight freaking pages (GURPS Monster Hunters 1: Champions) […]
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