My last installment of magical styles was almost a year ago. The post did prove popular, but I didn’t get back to this until now. Mostly because I’ve been really busy and this sort of intense article requires a lot of research and precise planning – styles take time to make the right way and […]
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Triple Threat: Cu Sidhe
Cu Sidhe Cu Sidhe (aka “fairy hounds”) are more or less immortal and can be found anywhere that the sidhe are found. They look like normal Irish wolfhounds, but can vastly outperform any normal dog breed. They’re scrappers, coursers, trackers, watchdogs, etc. They are rather bigger overall than normal wolfhounds and truly large specimens can […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Lens for Scholar – The Physick
I like playing support characters whenever I play in a game. Bookworms, healers, “buff” mages, and so on are some of my favorite roles. I’ve always liked GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 4: Sages – both character templates are just so cool to me as a GM and a game designer. While working on my new […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: The Slender Man
The Slender Man Is he real? Is he fake? Something that someone made up on the internet? Or is that the conspiracy? Regardless of his origins the Slender Men is terrifying to behold. Reports put him (it?) at eight to ten feet tall, with pallid skin and dressed in a black suit and tie. Despite […]
Continue readingTriple Threat – Gorillaphant
Note: Nymdok dared me to write this up…so I did. Deal with it. Gorillaphant Some madman’s twisted vision, the aptly named “gorillaphant” is part elephant and part gorilla. I think that about says it all. Any Campaign Setting… ST: 30 HP: 30 Speed: 6.00 DX: 12 Will: 12 Move: 7/14 IQ: 7 […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Delver, Get a Job!
Dungeon Fantasy very explicitly ignores the rules for jobs. It’s about adventuring after all, not boring day to day life – that’s for villagers. Still, Dungeons and Dragons (especially 2nd edition) had rules for working the forge or weaving baskets when your character wasn’t adventuring. There’s always the crafting rules from Dungeon Fantasy 2, but what if […]
Continue readingTriple Threat – Wendigo Windwalker
Wendigo Windwalker Like the wendigo, windwalkers are terrifying shapeshifters who were once human, but were possessed by the Windwalker – a terrible manitou (spirit) of the far north who hungers for human flesh. Typically, the Windwalker gorges on flesh until it’s destroyed and sent back to its spirit form – but sometimes it makes deals […]
Continue readingTriple Threat – Wendigo
Wendigo Wendigo are terrifying shapeshifters who were once human, but through accident or choice ate human flesh. Over time the more they ate the more they craved until eventually, they became inhuman creatures who only look like human beings – but only on the outside. Wendigo tend to travel alone or in pairs – more […]
Continue readingTriple Threat – Water Leaper
Water Leaper The welsh llamhigyn y dwr is a strange beasty that looks like a frog the size of a wolf, but has no bat wings instead of forelegs and no hind legs. It also has a long lizard-like tail with a stinger on the end. Despite its lack of legs, it can jump incredibly […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Dungeon Fantasy and Flying Carpets
So I’ve been running a Dungeon Fantasy game for a while now – it’s a helluva lot more fun than I would have ever thought! – and one of the things that’s popped up twice is the flying carpet (Dungeon Fantasy 8: Treasure Tables, p. 39). It follows the normal rules for the line ($20 per […]
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