Triple Threat – Gwyllgi

Gwyllgi Cu Sidhe (aka “fairy hounds”) are more or less immortal and can be found anywhere that the sidhe are found. For some sidhe who cannot afford to pay the Teind (their tithe to Hell) they sacrifice their beloved hounds instead of themselves. This results in a monstrous creature stuck somewhere between a Hellhound and […]

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Triple Threat: Tooth Fairy

Tooth Fairy Zahnfee, hammaspeikko, petite souris, ratoncito pérez, and many more and too numerous to list are all names for one creature: the tooth fairy. In the last century this dangerous creature has been whitewashed and made “acceptable” for children. Most zahnfee (the typical name others call them) are creatures out of a nightmare resembling […]

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Triple Threat – Spriggan

Spriggan Ugly, hunched creatures, spriggan are the bullies and thugs of Faerie – and sometimes bodyguards for those who can afford them. Though small (average spriggan is about the size of a human child), they can grow their size to giant-like proportions (over 15’ tall). Spriggans are distantly related to piskies and are widely thought […]

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Triple Threat – Brownie

Brownie Brownies are the servants of Faerie, everything from cooks to valets to housekeepers. Like leprechauns, they are compelled to perform a specific task, in this case domestic chores. Unlike leprechauns, they like what they do and they do it well. Though they aren’t suited for combat, but they can fight well enough and are […]

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Triple Threat – Cruciati Demon

Note: the following creature came from a nightmare I had. Thought I’d share. Cruciati Demon Cruciati demons are tall humanoid (about 6’ is average) beings that have deep black skin with blood-colored splotches all over there body. Numerous chains hang from their flesh, embedded in skin and bone with hooks or piercings. From the chains […]

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