One of the many things I learned running my Aeon supers campaign was how to improve my skills when it came to framing a campaign toward the player’s expectations. I say the players and not the characters because when it gets down to it each player has things they truly enjoy doing within the structure of […]
Continue readingTag Archives: Role-Playing
Triple Threat: Collected Posts I
Today’s post is one of my promised Patreon goals – a collection of my posts in a single PDF. It’s only accessible to my Patreon patrons (pledging or not!) who can go here to claim their prize. It is a current collection (as of 12/26/16) monster stat-blocks from the “Any Campaign” section of all Triple […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: GURPS Discord
Happy GURPSday! So +Mook Wilson has talked about GURPS Discord on his blog and now I have to do the same. The unofficial GURPS Discord Channel is incredibly useful. There are dozens of users now and I’m not afraid to say I’m one of them. I signed onto the server as soon as Mook put up the link […]
Continue readingDesigner’s Notes: Above the Law
This article was something rather interesting to write – it came from a kernel of an idea from my Aeon supers campaign: how do powers and the law interact? There is a tiny section in GURPS Basic Set about Spell Legality – but that’s it. So I got to thinking, how could I expand it? […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Dungeon Fantasy Knight Power-Ups and Gear
I was playing in a Dungeon Fantasy game GMed by Timothy “Humabot” Ponce and one of my fellow players (Tai Parry) created what was essentially Link from Legend of Zelda. What eventually became one of Tai’s signature moves was a slam with a shield. It was, in a word, devastating. Inspired by various game sessions and a few […]
Continue readingCarpe Blogiem: It’s Been an Aeon…
My new campaign setting, Aeon, has proven to be quite interesting. The base idea of the setting is the question “What if superpowers became real one day?” It’s not a particularly novel idea. But it became more (and I can’t really discuss what I mean by this – because my players read this blog) the […]
Continue readingGamemaster’s Guidepost: Monster Hunters Encounter – Seal and Stone
This quick encounter has a fast set-up and can be dropped into place in any Monster Hunters campaign. The players come across information that an actual Nephilim grave (giants who roamed the earth before the Biblical Flood) has been found. After some quick research they realize that the ancient creature has been bound to its […]
Continue readingGURPS101: Lens for Bard – The Warsinger
When I was starting to run Dungeon Fantasy for the first time I decided that I’d make a bunch of options that I knew my players would like or use. I did this both to fill out my handout a little more and to be able to use the content later on in a publication […]
Continue readingTriple threat: Nemean Lion
This huge lion was the scourge of Nemea until Hercules killed it. Unable to be harmed by mortal weapons, it took Hercules great strength to snap the creature’s neck. Afterward, he’d skinned the beast with one of its own claws and wore it on the rest of his labors. In GURPS, “invincibility” is not something […]
Continue readingTriple Threat: Aurumvorax
“A is for aurumvorax and that’s good enough for me!” Aurumvorax (plural aurumvorai? aurumvoraxes? aurumvorae? aurumvorax?) are nasty critters that snack on metal like a junkie on smack. Isn’t that fun? Hell yes it is. Originally appearing in the Expedition to the Barrier Peaks and has since been reprinted any number of times. When I […]
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